

Best Answer

And on the pedestal these words appear :

"My name is ozymandias, king of king :

Look on my works,ye mighty,and despair!"

Nothing beside remains,Round the decay

of that calossal wreck,boundless and bare,

The ione and level sands strech for away.


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Q: What the second stanza of the poem blessing of god?
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How many lines does the stanza contains in the poem out in the field with god?

The poem "Out in the Field with God" contains four stanzas. Each stanza varies in the number of lines, with the first stanza having six lines, the second and third stanzas having four lines each, and the final stanza having five lines.

Where in the second stanza does Blake make explicit the christian symbolism of his poem?

Blake makes explicit the Christian symbolism of his poem in the second stanza by referring to God as the "Ancient of Days" and describing how God could not be seen until the Son, Jesus, took on a human form. This alludes to the Christian belief in the Trinity and the incarnation of Christ.

Explanation of poem blessing of god?

all the things around me are the blessings of god

Give some quotations on the poem the blessing of god?

Nature is the beautiful handwriting of God

Who wrote the poem the blessing of god?

The poem "The Blessing of God" was written by Rabindranath Tagore, a renowned Indian poet, writer, and philosopher. Known for his lyrical and spiritual poetry, Tagore won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913.

How many stanzas in the blessing of God poem written by mrs Cecil Alexander?

there are 6 stanzas in poem blessings of god which are written by mrs cecil alexander..

Summary of blessings of god by cecil Alexander?

Blessings Of God (Mr Save . Cecil Alexander)This poem is a sort of concise hymn of high degree. The poet has eulogized God and his blessing on us .Six stanzas have been worked out in a fine poetic composition. The central idea of the poem is to make us realize God's grandeur.In the first stanza, the poet says that all beautiful and bright things, wonderful and wise creatures reflect the Godliness .In the second stanza, he says that little flowers in multi colors and birds with tiny wings have beautified this world. The third stanza of the poem gives natural scenery in words. Purple headed mountains, the running rivers, the scene of sunset and sunrise speak volume of greatness of God Almighty. The cold winter, the pleasant summer sun and the ripe fruits are the subject matter of the fourth stanza. The tall trees, the meadows and the tiny plants across the river are matchless and scenic blessings of God."Nature is the beautiful handwriting of God"In the last stanza, the poet assumes a serious thought. Our Benefactor has blessed us with eyes to see His wonderful creations. He has given us lips to speak high of God Almighty. We should be thankful to our Creator for His countless blessings upon us.Composed by:Professor Rana Muhammad Kashif

What is the central idea of the poem a child's evening prayer?

the main idea is to get blessing from god in every sphere of life

Is being handicapped a blessing or a curse in the poem on his blindness?

In the poem "On His Blindness" by John Milton, the speaker views his blindness as a limitation or a curse initially because he feels unable to serve God as fully as he would like. However, as the poem progresses, he comes to accept his condition and finds a way to serve God through his writing, ultimately seeing his handicap as a blessing in disguise.

Can you give me a stanza-by-stanza interpretation of Rizal's Sa Aking Mga Kabata?

The poem entitled Sa Aking Mga Kabata was written by the Philippines national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal. The reactions to this poem include faith in the youth and how they are empowered as well as encouraged to change their country for a better future.

A Blessing by cecil Alexander?

summry blessing of god by cecil alexende..

What do Christians get from praying?

God's blessing :)