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Q: What theater was shakes spear associated with?
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Which period in European history is most closely associated with Leonardo de vinci michelangelo William shakes spear?

The word you are looking for here is "renaissance".

What was William McKinley's favorite book?

William Shakes Spear

What is unique about William shakes spear's birthday?

=st George's day=

What was the globe theatere?

The Globe Theater (theatre) was a theater in London associated with Shakespeare.

What movie did Leonardo dicarpio did in 1996?

It was romeo&juliet that movie was made up by shakes spear.

What symbol was Athena associated with?

the owl, the spear

What authors in not an American playwright associated with realist theater?

Anton Chekhov is not an American playwright and is associated with realist theater.

Authors is not an American playwright associated with realist theater?

Anton Chekhov is not an American playwright associated with realist theater..... APEX BOOIIII

What was the name of the theater that shakespeares was assocaited with?

The theater most closely associated with William Shakespeare was the Globe theater in London, England.

What symbols are associated with ares?

Boar, dog vulture, spear snake

Which theater of World War II was most closely associated with the allied landing at Omaha beach?

The Mediterranean Area was closely associated with the Invasion of Sicily.

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