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Q: What theme about the pursuit of science would Mary Shelly most likely agree?
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What theme of the pursuit of science would Mary Shelly would most like agree with?

Mary Shelley's novel "Frankenstein" explores the theme of the pursuit of knowledge without considering the consequences. She would likely agree with the cautionary tale that scientific advancements should be made responsibly, with ethical considerations and accountability for the potential impacts on society and the environment.

Do you agree wRizal's view that pursuit of science is an ideal of man?

Yes, I agree with Rizal's view that the pursuit of science is an ideal for humanity. Science enables progress, fosters critical thinking, and drives innovation that benefits society as a whole. Embracing scientific knowledge can lead to advancements in various fields and ultimately improve the quality of life for individuals and communities.

Which theme about the pursuit of science would Mary Shelley most likely agree with?

a scientist should not go beyond moral boundaries when trying to gain personal recognition or fame. got it from brainly

Did you agree that science has limitation?


Would Mary Shelley most likely agree based on the ideas presented in Frankenstein?

Mary Shelley would likely agree that unchecked pursuit of scientific knowledge and advancement can lead to unforeseen consequences and ethical dilemmas, as seen in Frankenstein. She would caution against playing God and disrupting the natural order without considering the potential repercussions on society and humanity.

Do you agree with the view that economics ia a science?

It is a social science, yes. But technically, isn't everything a science?

What statement implies Confucius' opinion that academic pursuit should be the last concern?

Confucius believed that practical skills and ethical conduct should take precedence over academic pursuits. He emphasized the importance of applying knowledge to improve society and cultivate moral character, rather than pursuing intellectual knowledge for its own sake. Confucius valued a well-rounded education that integrated practical experience and ethical principles over academic study alone.

What issue did John Locke and Thomas Jefferson agree on?

They agreed on Natural Rights (life liberty and the pursuit of happiness)

Which one of these statements would ona most likely agree with the jungle?

Ona would likely agree with the statement that capitalism can exploit individuals and communities in pursuit of profit, as depicted in "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair. Through the novel's portrayal of the exploitation of immigrant workers in the meatpacking industry, Ona would likely resonate with the idea that capitalism can lead to social injustice and harsh working conditions.

Is wisdom and science interrelated to each other?

If you are speaking of true science and not therretical science, then the Bible and science can agree. I have written article on SCIENCE AND THE SCRIPTURES and there is no disagreement between them.

Where can you get a good science article?

The internet LOL I agree, but specifically we can look at many articles and blogs on science.

What two points do science and religion agree on in relation to creation?

That it, and we, exist.