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sybolic interaction approach

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Chaz Stroman

Lvl 13
2y ago
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1mo ago

This idea relates to symbolic interactionism, which posits that individuals construct their social reality through interactions and shared meanings. It suggests that an individual's interpretation of their actions is more important than the actions themselves in shaping their beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. This perspective highlights the significance of subjective experiences and interpretations in understanding human behavior.

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Q: What theoretical claims that it is not so much what people do that matters as much as what meaning they attach to their behaviors?
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What is Verstehen in sociology?

Verstehen, meaning "understanding" in German, is a concept in sociology introduced by Max Weber. It involves empathetically understanding the meaning individuals attach to their actions in order to fully grasp social behavior. This approach emphasizes the importance of subjective interpretation and cultural context in studying human behavior.

What the different between interpretive sociology and scientific sociology?

In interpretative sociology, there is more of an emphasis on the researcher attempting to understand the meaning of people's actions.

Which is a belief held by sociologists who work from a symbolic-interaction perspective?

It's important to study the meaningsindividuals attach to their own actions

What is the main difference between interpretive sociology and scientific sociology?

In interpretive sociology there is more of an emphasis on the research attempting to understand the meaning of peoples actions

What are the strengths and weaknesses of symbolic interactionism?

Strengths: Symbolic interactionism focuses on the subjective meanings individuals attach to symbols and interactions, providing insight into how meaning is constructed and shared in society. It also emphasizes the importance of context and recognizes the role of individuals in shaping social reality. Weaknesses: Symbolic interactionism can be criticized for its focus on micro-level interactions, which may overlook broader structural factors influencing social life. It can also be seen as lacking a clear theoretical framework and facing challenges in generalizing findings across different contexts.

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Which theoretical approach highlights the fact that it is not so much what people do that matters as much as the meaning they attach to their behavior?


Which theoretical approach claims that it is not so much what people do that matters as much as what meaning they attach to their behavior?

sybolic interaction approach

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Yes, George Herbert Mead focused on symbolic interactionism, which examines how individuals create shared meanings through symbols, including how people attach meanings to behaviors. Mead emphasized that symbols are essential for communication and social interaction, shaping how individuals interpret and respond to one another's actions.

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Where are some words with the same meaning as attach?

join, connect, stick, affix, etc

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answer is fasten

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Erving Goffman is credited with drawing attention to the meaning individuals attach to their behavior, focusing on how people present themselves and interpret the actions of others in everyday social interactions.

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Qualitative research has special appeal to investigators who favor interpretivist or constructivist theoretical approaches. These approaches focus on understanding the subjective experiences and meanings that individuals attach to their social world, which aligns well with the in-depth and exploratory nature of qualitative research methods.

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Network Interface Card Its a card that you attach to your computer to interface( or access) network resources and the internet

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Both blasters have a tactical rail and none have a reverse tactical rail meaning you cannot attach them. The only real way is to get a key chain clip and attach it from the bottom of the Reflex IX-1 to the top of the cocking slide on the Maverick REV-6.