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Q: What things are made from smart materials?
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Why are cars made of what they are made of?

Because smart engineering people designed them and chose the materials to make them as safe as they can.

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Smart phones are made of metal and computer soft ware

What are materials made of nonmetallic metals?

things thing things ATOMS

What materials are made by humans rather than naturally?

steel if you are asking, ____ materials, then its SYNTHETIC

What different types of smart materials are there?

a lot the most important is the aplication for types of smart materials

What are smart materials?

A "smart material" is one having a molecular structure that responds in a particular and controlled way to influences upon it. These range from magnetically-changed materials, to "memory" molecules that return to their original form, to materials that generate an electric charge when pressed, twisted, or warped. These materials can significantly change their mechanical properties (such as shape, stiffness, and viscosity), or their thermal, optical, or electromagnetic properties, in a predictable or controllable manner. Some types of smart materials are piezoelectrics, electrostrictors, magnetostrictors, and shape-memory alloys.

What is the definition of organic matter?

Materials made by living things

What are passive smart materials?

Passive smart materials: which can only sense the environmental condition or stimuli. Active smart materials: which sense and react to the condition or stimuli. Very smart materials: which can sense, react and adapt themselves accordingly. Intelligent materials: which are those capable of responding or activated to perform a function in a manual or pre-programmed manner.

What can pick up things that are made from iron?

A magnet can pick up things made from iron or other ferromagnetic materials.

What are materials made from?

Materials can be made of all sorts of elements so it depends what material you mean.Atomsmatter. lots of different things. cotton. etc.