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Hearth is her symbol.

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Q: What things are named after Hestia?
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What are some good things about Hestia?

There is nothing bad about Hestia. Hestia is one of the best gods

What are three negative things about Hestia?

There is nothing bad about Hestia. Hestia is one of the best gods

Who was Hestia involved with?

Hestia had no offspring, so those she might have been romantically involved with are not named.

What is Hestia in charge of?

All heaths and homes are under her "charge" and control. This is why liberation named Hestia first and last in custom.

Is there a flowering plant called a Hestia?

Yes, named after the Roman goddess. yes

Were Demeter and Hestia sisters?

Yes, Demeter and Hestia were sisters. Their parents were Kronos (also spelled Cronus) and Rhea. They also have another sister named Hera.

Are there any important things about Hestia that you should know?

that Hestia was born first of all Olympian gods and goddess and also last

Who gave birth to Hestia?

In Greek mythology, Hestia, Goddess of the hearth or fireside is the daughter of Rhea. Rhea gave birth to her daughter, who was fathered by a man named Cronus.

What were three things that Hestia protected?

the hearth fire , family , and love

How is Hestia and Hera different?

they are the goddess of different things. they have different meanings of their name.

What is the resident of Hestia?
