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Q: What things are prohibited to bring in Sweden from outside of europion union?
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Please see the related link for the list of prohibited activities.

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They are prohibited from coining their own money, and from making treaties with foreign powers.

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Most things, but not anything. There's a comprehensive list of prohibited items.

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What five thing are states prohibited from doing?

States are actually prohibited from doing many things. See Article I, Section 10 for a complete list.

Why the europion women dont like pakistanis men?

I don't think this is so. I would suspect some women like them, some don't. also they are most likely the same if they don't like them they don't like them do they they just carry on there lives as it was before things can go bad things can go good its just life for you. thanks for reading!!!!!!!!

Did Sweden apologize for assisting the Germans in World War 2?

Why would Sweden apologize? Sweden had to give in to Germany to be able to stay neutral, and by staying neutral Sweden could do a lot of things that helped the allies and the Jew's of Europe. And Sweden did a lot of things to help the allies and took a great risk by doing so, Hitler wouldn't have been happy if he had found out that Sweden aided the allies behind his back.

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Things Melt, people go outside lots of fun summer things

What does prohibited possession of a weapon and or explosive mean?

Things or actions that are "prohibited" mean that the person who has them in their possession is not allowed to have or own them. In the case of a firearm and/or explosive, federal law prohibits felons from possessing these items.

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That probably refers to talking about things unrelated to the purpose of the masjid - things unrelated to praising God for example.

What is a cultural difference between the Netherlands and Sweden?

2 things girls and way of life ... girls in sweden are the most pretty girls u can find. and the life in holland is much fun than in sweden

What are two things the states are forbidden to do by the constitution?

They are prohibited from coining their own money, and from making treaties with foreign powers.