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Q: What things did immigrants have to go through before they became American Citizens in the past?
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Immigrants who have became citizens should be allowed to run for president?

No. To become an American president, you have to have been born as an American citizen.

What became of immigrants while living in a Territory that became a State of the US?

all immigrants working in Hawaii became citizens at the time of state hood

In the 1900's how many people immigrated to the US and became legalized citizens?

Between 1900 and 1909, over 8 million immigrants arrived in the United States. Many of these immigrants went through the naturalization process to become legalized citizens.

The protected the rights of English citizens and became the basis for the American bill of right?

The document that protected the rights of English citizens and was the basis for the American Bill of Rights was the Bill of Rights.

What protected the rights of English citizens and became the basis for the American Bill of Rights.?

The document that protected the rights of English citizens and was the basis for the American Bill of Rights was the Bill of Rights.

what was the number of immigrants allowed to enter the us?

In 2012, a total of 757,434 people became naturalized US Citizens. The top five countries of origin were Mexico (102,181), the Philippines (44,958), India (42,928), the Dominican Republic (33,351), and China (31,868). From the 2010 census, there were 39,956,000 (±115,000) foreign born individuals living in the USA. Historically, except for Native Americans, all US citizens are immigrants or the descendants of immigrants.

What is true about urban culture in the late 1800s?

Cities grew rapidly as both immigrants and native-born citizens sought higher paying jobs.

What was American life like in 1973?

.In 1971, inflation had a major impact on American life. Gas, food, and bills became the causes of concerns for many citizens.

What happened to the Jewish people in France during world war 2?

They became immigrants and killed many They became immigrants and killed many

Explain why Mexican Americans say, “We didn’t cross the border; the border crossed us.”?

When the Mexican American War ended in 1848, Mexicans who lived in the conquered territories that became Texas and the Southwest United States became U.S. citizens, but not by choice. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo guaranteed these involuntary immigrants citizenship. It also promised to honor their land claims, although this was seldom done.

How did Oklahoma become a US state?

Most of the area of Oklahoma was part of the land acquired from the Louisiana Purchase. It became a Native American territory through the power of the US government. It was not until 1907 that the territory had enough citizens to apply for statehood. This was in 1907 and Oklahoma became the 46th state of the USA.

When did immigrants come to Texas from your country?

Immigrants have flocked to Texas ever since it became a state.