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Q: What thomas beckets and Henry 2nd relationship break down?
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What did Thomas More do that was significant?

He opposed Henry VIII's break from the Catholic Church.

Why was Thomas More opposed to Henry's efforts?

He was a staunch Catholic and disagreed with Henry the VIII's attempt to break away from the Pope.

What did Thomas More do that was so significant?

He opposed Henry VIII's break from the Catholic Church.

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Henry VIII was opposed by many, most notably Thomas More and John Fisher who were both executed because of their opposition.

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To convince the colonists to break away from British rule

What year did Henry v11 break with rome?

henry the vii didnt break with rome it was henry viii

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To Convince the colonists to break away from British rule. [APEX:)]

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Anything can break up a relationship. What will break up a relationship depends on the two people involved.

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He was the Lord Chancellor of England. When Henry VIII wanted to break from the Catholic Church & start the Anglican Church, Thomas More opposed it, & was subsequently Martyred by being beheaded.

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What was St Thomas Becket important for?

Becket stood up against Henry II for the rights of the church against the demands of the state, one of many classes between the church and the crown. It was a precursor of Henry VIII's break with the church.