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Q: What three bones are connected by hingie joints?
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What three things are needed for movement?

bones, muscles, and joints

Can the joints hold three bones?

Yes, your ankle "joint" consists of three bones. The Talus, Tibia, Fibula.

How your bones are in the back bone?

Bones are joined together by joints. There are three main categories of joints, depending on how they are constructed and how much they move. The bones that make up the vertebral column are considered slightly movable and are called amphiarthrotic.

How are the bones in your back joined together?

Bones are joined together by joints. There are three main categories of joints, depending on how they are constructed and how much they move. The bones that make up the vertebral column are considered slightly movable and are called amphiarthrotic.

What type of joints do the hammer anvil and stirrup have?

The auditory ossicles consist of three small bones found within a space (the tympanic cavity) in the temporal bone of the skull. The bones (which are named for their shape) are connected by synovial joints. Sound-induced vibrations of the tympanic membrane (eardrum) are amplified and transmitted through these ossicles to the inner ear where they are interpreted as sound by the brain.

What type of joint is held together by connective tissue strands?

Fibrous joints are connected by collagen fibers. There are three types of fibrous joints in the human body: sutures between the skull bones, syndesmoses (distal articulation of tibia and fibula) and gomphoses (articulations of teeth in jaw bones). The only gomphoses in the human body are the attachment of the roots of the teeth in the sockets of the alveolar processes of the lower-jaw (mandible) and upper-jaw (maxillae).

Why do bones join together?

The places in your body where two or more bones are joined together are called joints. Some joints are fixed, they do not move, and some joints are movable. Fixed joints are found where one bone lies against another, sometimes with a thin layer of tissue separating them. Joints like these do not move at all, but the tissue is able to soften a hard blow you might receive and keep your bones from breaking. The joints of the bones in your skull are examples of fixed joints. Movable joints are divided into three types, depending on their uses. There are hinge joints, pivot joints, and ball and socket joints. Hinge joints allow the bones to move forward and backward, much like a door opens on its hinges. Hinge joints are found in your knee and fingers. Pivot joints permit the bones to rotate, or turn around. When you move your head from side to side, or rotate your arm at the elbow, you are using pivot joints. But the joints which give you the most movements are ball and socket joints. This is because of the way they are shaped. A long bone joins a shorter bone in this type of joint. The long bone has a large round end that fits into a hollowed-out curved section of the shorter bone, much like the way a ball would fit into the curled-up palm of your hand. Ball and socket joints give you the freedom of movement in your shoulders and hips. Of the 22 bones connected by joints in your skull, only one can move, the one in your lower jaw, which permits you to talk, laugh, and chew food!

What three kinds of body parts allow you to move in many different ways?

Your bones, joints, and muscles

What are the three joints of a robot?

In a robot there is a joint where ever you put a motor that will move the metal/plastic "bones" of the robot so you can have as many joints as you like. Source: My Brain

What are examples of the 3 types of joints?

There are three types of joints in your body. You have fibrous, cartilaginous and synovial types of joints in your body. You have fibrous type of joint between, say the bones on the top of skull, between the teeth and teeth bearing bones and lower end of tibia and fibula bones. You have cartilaginous type of joints between epiphysis and diaphysis of the long bones. You have the same type of joint between the vertebrae and at pubic symphysis. You have synovial type of joints at shoulder and hip joints. Also at elbow and knee joints. All movable joints fall under this category.

Where is your immovable joint located?

Immovable joints, also known as fixed or fibrous joints, are located in the skull where the bones are tightly joined together by fibrous connective tissue. These joints provide stability and protection for the brain.

What three body parts allow humans to move in many different ways?

thya arer the bones, joints, and muscles.