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Q: What three conditions that must exist for the continuous fusion of hydrogen to occur?
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List three conditions that must exist for the continuous fusion of hydrogen to occur?


In what conditions will plasma exist?

The conditions in the sun's core that allows the plasma state to exist hydrogen nuclei.

Can a hydrogen ion exist alone?

It is not available under normal conditions.

Can hydrogen ion exist alone?

It is not available under normal conditions.

Where does deutrium isotope exist naturally in the universe?

it was created by fusion during early part of the big bang. it is everywhere hydrogen is.

Why does hydrogen molecule does not exist?

Hydrogen molecules do exist (as H2); this is how hydrogen is found in nature.

Where does fusion exist?

At the centre of stars.

What is a fusion reaction also known as?

Since they do not exist yet I do not believe they have any other names. Fusion does exist in nature so a sun or star could be considered a fusion reactor.

Is hydrogen peroxide a compound orca mixture p?

Hydrogen peroxide is a compound, but it is too unstable to exist in pure form undermost conditions. Therefore, when encountered in a laboratory or during medical treatment, hydrogen peroxide is almost always a mixture with water.

The sun is a enormous ball of?

Mainly Hydrogen more than 90%, but due to nuclear fusion, the hydrogen contineously bonds with other elements forming bigger elements, eventually fusion will cease to exist once the core of the sun reaches the stage where iron is the only element left to combine, then the sun will either explode or turn into a white dwarf, most likely the latter.

Independent continuous variable?

Yes, some of the do exist.

Can hydrogen with one electron exist as a hydrogen solid in places of very high pressure?

Metallic Hydrogen is thought to exist in the core of Jupiter and Saturn, so yes.