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I love Steven anad Kenny

i feel like someone just typed in all the questions on this website for my Gandhi film worksheet....

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Q: What three laws did South African government pass regarding Indians in the movie Gandhi?
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Did Mahatma Gandhi face any obstacles during his life?

Gandhi was a man who faced many challenges that he tried to overcome. He tried to look on the good side of the situation, and to remain optimistic. One challenge that made a big difference in Gandhi's view of South African whites was when he was living in South Africa. Gandhi went to South Africa. Gandhi went to South Africa to practice law, and he did earn a lot of money from this, but he was treated very unfairly while he was there. South Asians were called 'coolies' by the South African whites, meaning that they were thought to be untouchable by people of higher standing people. Gandhi faced many people who were prejudiced, and were disgusted by the Indians. These unfair things helped Gandhi realize that being fair and peaceful was what the government should be about and do, & that India needed to be free from British and whites' rule.

How was mahatma gandhis philosophy different martin Luther king's?

Mahatma Gandhi was strictly nonviolent, whereas Mandela headed the BT at one point (a terrorist organization). Mandela did move towards compromise at a later point with the South African Government, but he was not as absolute as Gandhi on the issue of nonviolence. The similarity in both cases was that they were key to changes in government.

What was Gandhi's inpact on their society?

Gandhi had a major impact on Indian society as well as out own. He tought the Indians how to be resourceful as well as to use peaceful protest.he is a legend

How was Gandhi humble?

he sowed respect by helpping people and keepping them safe.

Does the film Gandhi contain a fair portrayal of Jinnah?

No, not at all. Jinnah is seen as a villain to Indians and the movie bends the truth as much as it needs to so vilify this view most Indians have.

Related questions

What did Gandhi accomplished?

Gandhi Accomplished gaining rights for all indians in south Africa.

Why Mahatama Gandhi has not been given Nobel Prize for Peace?

The name of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi features in the records of the South African Amry.He served as a warrant officer. At the onset of the South African War, Gandhi argued that Indians must support the war effort in order to legitimize their claims to full citizenship. Pic of Mahatma Gandhi inArmy uniform can be seen

Who is known as black gandhi?

Jomo Kenyatta Is known as the African Gandhi.

What did people call Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi?

The Indians Called Gandhi...Gandhi's real name was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Indians call him Mahatma Gandhi and also call him Bapu(Father).

Indians called Gandhi what?

Mahatma or Bapu.

Why did millions of Indians no longer have work what did gandhi do about it?

He did it

What were Gandhi's values?

Gandhi was a man of values... Believed by so many indians & some people in the world. But the fact remains that Gandhi was a selfish.

Did mathma gandhi have chindren?

All indians are his childrens...

What are Gandhi's mottos?

unite the nation same as that of the british only thing different is that gandhi was trusted by the Indians

Did Mahatma Gandhi face any obstacles during his life?

Gandhi was a man who faced many challenges that he tried to overcome. He tried to look on the good side of the situation, and to remain optimistic. One challenge that made a big difference in Gandhi's view of South African whites was when he was living in South Africa. Gandhi went to South Africa. Gandhi went to South Africa to practice law, and he did earn a lot of money from this, but he was treated very unfairly while he was there. South Asians were called 'coolies' by the South African whites, meaning that they were thought to be untouchable by people of higher standing people. Gandhi faced many people who were prejudiced, and were disgusted by the Indians. These unfair things helped Gandhi realize that being fair and peaceful was what the government should be about and do, & that India needed to be free from British and whites' rule.

When did blacks get the right to vote in South Africa?

In 1914 the south African government conceded to Gandhi's demands and let black people have the right to vote.

What was Mahatma Gandhi's dreams regarding the future and potential of India?

I believe Gandhi's dream was to free India from Britain rule.