

Mohandas Gandhi

Mohandas K. Gandhi is known worldwide for his stance of non-violent political resistance. He believed in simple living, negotiation, and eventually helped head India to independence from the British Empire. His autobiography is titled 'The Story of My Experiments with Truth.' Ironically, the man who stated "an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind" was assassinated in 1948.

1,976 Questions

How do you know that christ live in you?

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John 13:35 "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another."

It has been said that love is the badge of Christianity.

I John 4:12,16 "...If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us. And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him."

To walk in the steps of Jesus Christ is to walk in love. It is to follow God's example of loving by giving.

Ephesians 5:1,2 "Be ye therefore followers [imitators] of God, as dear children; And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour."

Did Gandhi set himself on fire?

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No, Mahatma Gandhi did not set himself on fire. He practiced nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience to fight for India's independence from British rule. Gandhi's methods included fasting, marches, and peaceful protests.

How did Isolationism effect in World War 2?

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Isolationism in World War 2, particularly in the United States, delayed intervention in the conflict and hindered efforts to support allies against Axis powers. This stance changed after the attack on Pearl Harbor, leading the U.S. to fully engage in the war. In contrast, isolationist policies in countries like Japan and Italy contributed to their increasingly aggressive actions in the lead-up to the war.

''you must be the change you want to see in the world''?

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This quote by Mahatma Gandhi emphasizes the importance of taking action to create the change we wish to see in the world. It encourages individuals to embody the qualities and behaviors they wish to see in others, ultimately inspiring positive change through personal example.

How does General Smuts relate to Gandhi?

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General Smuts was a prominent South African statesman and politician, known for his opposition to British imperialism. He and Gandhi interacted during the Indian independence movement, with Smuts initially being an adversary as he introduced discriminatory laws against Indian South Africans. However, their relationship evolved, with Gandhi engaging in negotiations to improve the rights of Indians in South Africa, leading to some concessions from Smuts.

Is gandhism relevant in todays world?

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No, gandhism is not relevant in today's world because in this fighting world, a nation's problem cannot be solved by ahimsa method.violence has become a necessary method to get a truthful judgement.The only one gandhian principle which is followed till now is fasting.all other principles are useless in today's world

What connections are between the views Thoreau's presents in walden and ''civil disobedience'' and gandhi beliefs?

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Thoreau's views in "Walden" and "Civil Disobedience" both emphasize simplicity, self-reliance, and non-conformity to unjust laws. Gandhi drew inspiration from Thoreau's ideas on civil disobedience and applied them in his nonviolent resistance against British colonial rule in India. Gandhi, like Thoreau, believed in passive resistance and the power of individual conscience to stand against injustice.

What are Mahatma Gandhi's qualities?

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Mahatma Gandhi was known for his qualities of nonviolence, civil disobedience, and dedication to truth and justice. He inspired others through his integrity, self-discipline, and commitment to social and political change through peaceful means.

Newspaper established by Mahatma Gandhi in South Africa?

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The newspaper established by Mahatma Gandhi in South Africa was called "Indian Opinion." It was launched in 1903 and played a significant role in advocating for the rights of the Indian community in South Africa. Gandhi used the newspaper as a platform to promote nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience against discriminatory laws.

Who called mahatma gandhi as Prince among Patriots?

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Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose referred to Mahatma Gandhi as the "Prince among Patriots." This title was given to Gandhi by Bose during the time they worked together in the Indian National Congress in the fight for India's independence from British rule.

What is the story of Mahatma Gandhi childhood story?

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Mahatma Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, India. He was the youngest of four children and grew up in a devout Hindu family. Gandhi's childhood was marked by his experiences of honesty, truth, and compassion, which later influenced his philosophy of nonviolent resistance.

How did gandhi ji's religion help him?

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Gandhi's religion, which was a blend of Hinduism, Jainism, and Christianity, guided his principles of nonviolence, truth, and selflessness. These teachings helped him stay resolute in his beliefs, even in the face of adversity, and shaped his approach to bringing about social and political change through peaceful means. Gandhi's deep faith also provided him with a sense of purpose and conviction in his mission for justice and equality.

When did mahatma gandhi died?

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Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated on January 30, 1948.

What does mahatma gandhi mean?

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Mahatma Gandhi was a leader in the Indian independence movement against British rule. The term "Mahatma" means "great soul" in Sanskrit, and was given to him in recognition of his nonviolent resistance philosophy and his role in inspiring social change through peaceful means.

Hindu term of respect for a brahman sage which means great soul?

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The term of respect for a Brahman sage in Hinduism that means "great soul" is "Mahatma." This term is often used to show reverence and honor for individuals considered to be spiritually advanced and wise.

What does Gandhi mean?

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Ghandi does not mean anything, Ghandi is a name, if you want to learn about him then search him up on Google

Who is Shri Nautamlal B Mehta?

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Nautamlal Mehta called for British departure in 1909. We can learn from Nautamlal’s handwritten papers in the Esperanto language. As early as 1900, can check more info nautamlalmehta

Nautamlal Used to Have a good command of 7–8 Languages, Such as Gujarati, Sanskrit, Pali, Farsi, English, Esperanto, Hindi, and Portuguese.

Nautamlal Bhagawanji Mehta of Jetpur, Saurashtra, first coined or Used the Word “Mahatma” for Mohanlal K Gandhi ( Gandhiji) on January 21, 1915, at Kamribai School, not Rabindranath Tagore or anyone else. All other claimants have no documents or evidence

Mohandas Gandhi how is a global citizen?

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Mohandas Gandhi is considered a global citizen because of his commitment to promoting peace, justice, and equality on a global scale. His philosophy of non-violence and his work towards achieving Indian independence inspired and influenced movements for freedom and human rights around the world. His teachings continue to resonate with individuals and communities worldwide, making him a symbol of global citizenship.

What did Gandhi mean by Better to be violent when there's violence in our hearts than to put on the cloak of non violence to cover impotence?

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Gandhi meant that it is better to acknowledge and confront the violence within oneself, rather than pretending to be nonviolent while harboring violent thoughts or feelings. He emphasized the importance of dealing with one's own inner conflicts and emotions honestly, rather than using nonviolence as a mask for powerlessness or fear.

What was the term coined by mahatma Gandhi for the tribal people?

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Mahatma Gandhi referred to the tribal people as Adivasis, which translates to "original inhabitants" or "first settlers." He recognized their unique cultures, practices, and deep connection to the land, and advocated for their rights and empowerment.

What is Mohandas Gandhi mom's job?

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Mohandas Gandhi's mother, Putlibai, was a homemaker and devoted her time to taking care of her family and household responsibilities.

Who worked as Private secretary to Mohandas Gandhi?

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Mahadev Desai worked as the private secretary to Mohandas Gandhi. He was a close associate of Gandhi and played a crucial role in managing his correspondence, organizing meetings, and assisting with administrative tasks. Desai worked closely with Gandhi for nearly two decades until his death in 1942.

What is apurv Gandhi?

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There is no specific person or concept known as "apurv Gandhi." It is possible that you may be referring to someone or something else, but without more context, it is difficult to provide a proper response.

What was the name of Gandhi's first European secretary-typist?

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Gandhi's first European secretary-typist was Sonja Schlesin.

How many sons of mahatma Gandhi?

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Mahatma Gandhi had four sons named Harilal, Manilal, Ramdas, and Devdas.