

Indira Gandhi

Indira Gandhi (1917-1984) was India’s only female Prime Minister. She held the position for a total of fifteen years, making her the longest serving female Prime Minister in the world.

328 Questions

Is indira point still there after tsunami?

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The tsunami has generated by the Indian Ocean earthquake on 2004 inundated much of its area that partly damaging the lighthouse subsided 4.25 m in the tsunami. As a result of this subsidence, the coast retreated and the sea permanently came inwards. The lighthouse has been made functional since then.

The base of the lighthouse was 5 m above sea level when constructed on 1972 to until the tsunami. After the tsunami, the sea rose and the base was less than a metre above the sea level showing a subsidence of sea floor by over 4 metres. It has observed that the sea is slowly starting to retreat back partly to its original position and the subsidence has decreased as the ocean floor is slowly bouncing back partially

This southern tip of the Great Nicobar island, "Pygmalion Point", is the southernmost point of India. Though the "Vivekananda Rock" of Kanyakumari is the southern most point of Indian mainland, the "Pygmalion Point" is actually the southernmost point of the country as it is situated at a lower latitude and closer to the equator 6*,45 N. After the demise of Mrs. Indira Gandhi, this point was named "Indira Point".

What initials go after your name if you studied law?

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Asked by Wiki User

Studied? = STUDENT.

Awarded degrees(s), (there are many different ones), completed academic achievements, allows different abbrieviations. Commonly: J.D = Juris Doctor &/or Esq. for Esquire. But there are many others.

Which caste Nagpal belong to?

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Nagpal Surname is belongs to khatri Caste [Arorvanshi Khatri ]

Where can you find a obituary of Indira Gandhi?

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You can find obituaries of Indira Gandhi in newspapers and online archives that cover events from the time of her death in 1984. Many historical archives and libraries also have copies of newspapers from that period that include obituaries of Indira Gandhi.

Are you allowed to carry food into indira gandhi stadium?

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Yes you are allowed to carry food into Indira Gandhi Stadium. However there are some restrictions that you should be aware of. These include:

  • No glass containers or cans are allowed
  • No alcohol is allowed
  • No outside drinks are allowed
  • No outside beverages such as energy drinks coffee and tea are allowed
  • No outside food items such as fruits and vegetables are allowed
  • No open flames or grills are allowed
  • No weapons of any kind are allowed

These restrictions are in place to ensure the safety and security of all patrons of the stadium. Failure to adhere to these rules may result in being asked to leave the premises.

Why Does Indira Priyadarshini called as Indira Gandhi?

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Asked by AdiseshaSai

Margaret Thatcher liked to act tough. She had several nicknames, most of them unflattering.

Thatcher was called the Iron Lady because of her tough approach in dealing with her opposition, especially in the war with Argentina.
And now, she has a Street with his name in Madrid:

How is indira gandhi and sonia gandhi related?

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Indira Gandhi's son married Sonia Gandhi so she is Indira's daughter-in-law.

Sonia Gandhi is the daughter in law of Indira Gandhi. Indira Gandhi's elder son Rajiv Gandhi married Sonia Gandhi.

Who was Indira Gandhi?

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she managed Indian politics very well with Tight Administration & Great foreign policy's became famous for 1971 Golden Temple Blue star operation, Economic Reformation during Emergency& Lodz of policy for strengthening India & Indian people.

Who is Sonia Gandhi?

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She is President of the Indian National Congress, Chairperson of the ruling United Progressive Alliance and the widow of former Prime Minister of India, Rajiv Gandhi.

When did indira Gandhi became pm of India?

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He did much. He helped people, created new system, protested...

What are the 3 primary colours?

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Asked by Wiki User

The additive primary colors, or primary colors of light, are red, green and blue.

The subtractive primary colors, or primary colors of paint, are red, yellow, and blue

The primary colors of printing are magenta, cyan, and yellow.

thanx bye

What was the relationship between Indira Gandhi and jawaharlal nehru?

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Asked by Wiki User

They both enjoyed eating pie. They often went out on pie dates. To the local pie shop. Hitler enjoys cherry while Ghandi is more of a forest fruits kind of guy! =] They both enjoyed eating pie. They often went out on pie dates. To the local pie shop. Hitler enjoys cherry while Ghandi is more of a forest fruits kind of guy! =]

What are Gandhi's activities?

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Asked by Wiki User

Gandhi is known as the Father of India. He boycotted and protested in peaceful ways for the freedom of the people. He encouraged hard work and no violence. He fasted for 5 days as a way to get the attention of the Hindu and Muslims. He helped the people to be peaceful with each other after breaking away from the British rule.

What are 3 adjectives to describe Indira Gandhi?

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Asked by Wiki User

Inspiratonal, heroficic, Humble, and Peaceful

ENJOY! :3 =]

What did Indira Gandhi do that was important?

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Several important events occurred during Gandhi's life. Specifically, he lead the movement for India's independence from Britain, he fasted for expanding women's rights and the rights of abolishing the 'untouchable' cast.

What awards did Gandhi achieve?

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Gandhi surprisingly didn't receive many significant rewards though was very frequently named person of the year in many magazines and media outlets. Gandhi was nominated multiple times for the Noble Peace Prize but didn't receive it. The givers of the prize later admitted guilty in not giving him the reward due to nationalist views and apparently would have given it to him in 1948. Unfortunately he was assassinated that year before the nominations could finish. The Noble Peace Prize was not given out that year as according to the judges that there were no suitable living recipients.

When was indira Gandhi assainated?

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Rajeev Gandhi was assassinated in Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu, India on 21st May 1991.
The dates for Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi were October 2, 1869-January 30, 1948. He was assassinated as he took his regular evening stroll on the grounds of his last residence, Birla Bhavan [Bird House], in New Delhi. His assassin, Nathuram Godse, was a Hindu who felt that Gandhi was too concilatory towards Muslim Pakistan.

National Emergency has been declared in India?

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So far, there have been four occasions when emergency of the first category was proclaimed by the President : 1962 (Chinese aggression), 1965 (Indo-Pakistan war), 1971 (Indo-Pakistan war before the emergence of Bangladesh) and 1975 (internal emergency).

Who was the first woman foreign minister in India?

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The first women foreign secretary of India is Chokila Iyer, who served briefly in the post in 2001.

How many years was Indira Gandhi the prime minister of India?

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Indra Gandhi was neither the first nor the second but the third Prime Minister of India allegedly by plotting and managing the murder of the second Prime Minister of India Lal Bahadur Shastri, in Tashkent (Russia)

What did Gandhi Boycott?

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Imported cloth, he wanted people to spin their own in an effort to become less dependent on imports.