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Having AIDS does not directly kill you. However, it weakens the immune system so that you are more exposed to catch diseases. Like pneumonia.

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Q: What three specific diseases do people with AIDS die from?
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Which do you get first AIDS HIV or AIDS related diseases?

People contract HIV first. In time, they will develop AIDS-related diseases such as Kaposi's sarcoma or PCP (pneumocistis carinii pneumonia). Once they have AIDS-related diseases, they are typically diagnosed as having AIDS.

Describe three well known communicable diseases?

Communicable diseases spread from one person to another by pathogens. Three well-known communicable diseases are the common cold, strep throat, and HIV/AIDS.

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Why does AIDS leads to other diseases?

Because one's immunity to diseases decreases when affected by AIDS.

How do people get diseases from sex?

yes, one of the most common diseases is AIDS which can happen when one of the people is HIV positive. Most people die from this, magic Johnson has this.

What is an AIDS-Ols?

AIDS-opportuistc illness(Aids-OLs) Infections and other diseases caused by organisms that do not usually produce illness in healthy people with unimpaired immune system.

What effect has aids left on Africa?

AIDS leaves people susceptible to diseases. In Africa, many people cannot afford the medical care that others can, so a lot of people in Africa have died because AIDS weakened their immune systems.

Why do people with HIV or AIDS contract rare diseases?

It's because their immune system can't fight off the diseases regular/healthy people's body would.

Do most of the diseases in Africa start in the Sub Saharan desert?

There are diseases that are region/location specific but there is no reason that the diseases in Africa should be Sub Saharan other than the Sahara itself has no real population to become diseased.

What diseases can homeless people get?

they are most likely to get pneumonia, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, diabetes, cancer, and to have high blood pressure

What are some diseases people have and can't exercise?

Type 1 and 2 diabetes, aids, HIV, there are many.

What are the precautions associated with using boswellia?

Not to be taken by pregnant women, people with immune system diseases (AIDS) and the elderly.