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These would be the Linear Kinetic Energy due to the forward velocity of the car; The Rotational Kinetic Energy of the rotating wheels and the Thermal or Heat Energy due to the various frictional forces on the car.

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Q: What three types of energy from a roller coaster are added together to equal the total amount of original potential energy?
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When does a coaster have a large amount of Kinetic Energy and when does it have a large amount of Potential Energy?

The coaster have a large amount of potential energy when it gain height, kinetic energy when it gain speed instead.

What is usually the highest point on a roller coaster?

The top of the first hill. This is where the coaster has its greatest amount of potential energy which is converted to kinetic energy as it moves along the track.

What part of the roller coaster has the greatest amount of potential energy?

That would be a section of the steel track installed at the top of the first hill.

Where does a roller coaster have the least kinetic energy?

At the tallest point on the track. Potential energy is given by U(Which is potential energy) = mass times height time gravitational constant. You can't change the gravitational constant, or the mass of the roller coaster car. So you have to change the height. PE=mgh so more the height and the mass the more PE

How do gravity and potential energy work together to give you a great ride on a roller coaster?

the gravitational potential energy of a roller coaster is equal to two things. Not only is it equal to the gravitational potential energy, it is also equal to the kinetic energy at the lowest point of the coaster. the gravitational potential energy can be calculated as: m*g*h where m is mass (kilograms), g is gravity (9.8 m/s^2), and h is height (metres).d the kinetic energy at the bottom of the coaster can be calculated as (m*v^2)/2 where m is mass (kilograms), v is velocity (metres/second).

Where is the greatest amount of potential and kinetic energy in a roller coaster?

If it is a rollercoaster that has a first drop hill, the roller coaster has the greatest kinetic energy at the bottom of that drop. If it is magnetically launched, the kinetic energy is probably greatest immediately after the launch. However, there are cases where these statements may not be true. (i.e. a drop right after a magnetic launch)The energy is the greatest at the bottom of a drop, before some is translated back into potential energy as the car climbs the next rise.

Why do roller coasters end lower than where they start?

Since the top of the first hill is the highest point on the track, it's also the point at which the roller coaster's gravitational potential energy is greatest. As the roller coaster passes over the top of the first hill, its total energy is greatest. Most of that total energy is gravitational potential energy but a small amount is kinetic energy, the energy of motion. From that point on, the roller coaster does two things with its energy. First, it begins to transform that energy from one form to another--from gravitational potential energy to kinetic energy and from kinetic energy to gravitational potential energy, back and forth. Second, it begins to transfer some of its energy to its environment, mostly in the form of heat and sound. Each time the roller coaster goes downhill, its gravitational potential energy decreases and its kinetic energy increases. Each time the roller coaster goes uphill, its kinetic energy decreases and its gravitational potential energy increases. But each transfer of energy isn't complete because some of the energy is lost to heat and sound. Because of this lost energy, the roller coaster can't return to its original height after coasting downhill. That's why each successive hill must be lower than the previous hill. Eventually the roller coaster has lost so much of its original total energy that the ride must end. With so little total energy left, the roller coaster can't have much gravitational potential energy and must be much lower than the top of the first hill.

A roller coaster going down the first drop is an example of?

At the top of the first hill, the coaster car has stored the maximum amount of potential energy. This is shown in the equation for potential energy, PE=mgh, where h is the height. The greater the height, the greater the potential energy. During the drop, potential energy is being converted into kinetic energy. The equation for kinetic energy is KE=(1/2)mv^2, where v is the velocity of the coaster car. The faster the car is going, the greater the kinetic energy. So as the car goes faster, the kinetic energy grows. But as the car goes down, h is getting lower, lowering the potential energy.

How do the roles of potential and kinetic energy differ between the newer catapult launched coasters and the older style of roller coaster?

In some newer coaster designs, a catapult launch sets the train in motion. There are several sorts of catapult launches, but they all basically do the same thing. Instead of dragging the train up a hill to build up potential energy, these systems start the train off by building up a good amount of kinetic energy in a short amount of time.

When an object is lifted 12 feet off the ground it gains a certain amount of potential energy. If the same object is lifted 36 feet off the ground its potential energy is .?

3 times the original potential energy

Where on a roller coaster is potential energy at the highest?

Potential energy is highest at the dead top of the highest point on the roller coaster. It is lowest at the lowest point. Kinetic energy (motion energy) is highest at the point where the velocity is highest. This depends on the design. A good guess is dead bottom of the longest fall, but on a complex coaster ride there are other possibilities. Also, air resistance and friction can change this.

Where on a roller coaster is there equal amounts of potential energy and kinetic energy?

There would be equal amounts of kinetic and potential energy at the middle of a drop, because the potential energy would have lost half of it's amount and the kinetic energy would have gained that amount but none else so far. Pretty sure thats all right, 🖒