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Q: What three ways did the crusades have impact on western Europe in the middle ages?
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Related questions

What event happened to expand trade between Europe and the Middle East?

The CRUSADES eventually had this impact.

The crusades were fought between what two religions?

The Crusades were primarily fought between Christians from Western Europe and Muslims in the Middle East.

What did the Crusades do for Europe?

The Crusades increased the population of trade between Europe and the Middle East.

What was the impetus for change that removed the isolation of Europe in the middle ages?

It was the Crusades.

Do we still see affects of the crusades today?

Yes, we still see effects of the Crusades today in terms of religious tensions and relationships between different cultures in the regions that were impacted by the Crusades. The Crusades also left a lasting impact on the politics and power dynamics in the Middle East and Europe.

What was one negative effect of the crusades?

Because of the Crusades there is to this day tension between Christians, Jews, and Muslims; especially in the Middle East. Another effects: formidable costs, crimes, destruction, murders, robberies, hate, wars. Crusades were criminal actions of the damned catholics from the Western Europe.

How did the crusades go from Europe to the middle east?

ships and by horse

What did the middle east trade with Europe during the crusades?


What effects did the crusades have on the middle east and Europe?

the effect was war

Which religions were the crusades between?

The Crusades were a series of religious wars primarily between Christians from Western Europe and Muslims in the Middle East, starting in the 11th century. There were multiple Crusades, with various objectives and participants, but the main conflict was between Christians and Muslims over control of Holy Land sites like Jerusalem.

How did the Crusades encourage European exploration?

The Crusades led the economic uprising during the Middle ages of two important cities: Venine and Genoa. These Italian cities prospered becaused Crusaders (fighters for the Roman Catholic Church) traveled and fought in Western Europe. This activity led to new trade expanision between Italy and parts of Western Europe.

What effect did the crusades have on Europe and the middle east?

Trade expanded and towns boomed