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Q: What time did queen elizabethII born?
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What is the difference between Queen Elizabeth I and Queen ElizabethII?

about four hundred years.

When Did Queen ElizabethII Get Married?

In 1947 with Prince Philip,duke of Edinburgh

How old is elizabethII?

Queen Elizabeth is 85 years old this yea!!

What type of political system is headed by Queen ElizabethII of England?

A Constitutional Monarchy.

What year did Queen Elizabeth II reign start?

ElizabethII's reign started on February 6, 1952.

Where did queen ElizabethII go to high school?

She didn't go to High school. Both Princess Elizabeth and Margaret were home schooled.

What is the official title of Queen ElizabethII?

Prince Albert was prince consort to Queen Victoria of England.

Who was the better Queen Elizabeth I or elizabethII?

That would have to be answered by opinion. Therefore, it will change from person to person, depending on their knowledge about either. This thing sucks because HOW CARES?!

Who is the leader of Bahamas?

Arthur Hanna Queen ElizabethII is the ceremonial head of state, represented by the Governor-General, Arthur Dion Hanna. The Prime Minister is the head of government, currently it is Hubert Ingraham.

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When was Queen Mut Tuya born?

That is not known at this time.

Who was queen when William Shakespeare was born?

Shakespeare's birth date is not known, but he was Baptized on April 26, 1564.Queen Elizabeth I was Queen of England at that time.