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ElizabethII's reign started on February 6, 1952.

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Q: What year did Queen Elizabeth II reign start?
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In wiche year Queen Elizabeth II started her reign?

In 1952 Queen Elizabeth II started her reign.

What year did Queen 1 begin to reign?

Assuming the question is about Elizabeth I of England, she began her reign on November 17, 1558. She was queen until her death on March 24, 1603 at the age of 69.

How old was William shakespeare when Queen Elizabeth took over the throne?

Queen Elizabeth became queen long before Shakespeare was a glint in his father's eye. He was born in the sixth year of her reign.

What happened to Queen Elizabeth II?

Nothing yet, she is still alive. And probably will live forever. her mother was over 100 when she died. Tomorrow (Feb 6th) is the 56th year of her reign as the Queen of the UK

Who died after a 62 year reign?

Queen Victoria

died after a 62 year reign?

Queen Victoria

What was Queen Elizabeths worst year of her reign?


What were the two main threats Queen Elizabeth faced in the later year of her reign?

Mary of Scots who wanted to kill her and the problem of religion - she couldn't make everyone happy.

What year was the ocean liner Queen Elizabeth retired?

The Queen Elizabeth was retired in October of 1968

Who is Queen of England in the year 2010?

Queen Elizabeth II

When did Queen Elizabeth the 3rd die?

There is no Queen Elizabeth III, so there's no death year. The current Queen is Queen Elizabeth II, and is alive and well at the age of 84.

When did the queen had children?

no because the original queen elizabeth was virgin so she cant have a queen elizabeth II