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Q: What time does the US flag come down?
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Related questions

What does an upside down US flag symbolize?

Any flag flown upside down is a distress signal.

What year did the first US flag come to existence?

The first US flag was made July 14, 1777

What is the direct down flag that is recognized in used on Georgia waters?

If you mean Diver Down- the flag used in US water is a red flag with a diagonal white stripe.

Is it ever appropriate to fly the US flag upside down?


Why were the us flags taken down when it's about rain?

According to protocol, the US Flag should be taken down during poor weather, unless the flag is made of an all-weather, durable material. Also, the US Flag is to be taken down after dark and before dawn, unless there are lights shining on the US Flag at night.

What happens if you set fire on the US Flag in the US?

You be arrested for terrorist charges! The flag represents our freedom and rights, and burning it down mocks that freedom!!

When can you fly the us flag upside down?

When you are in distress and need help.

What does it mean when a flag is flown upside down over a military installation during war?

The US Flag Code specifies that the US Flag is never to be displayed with the union (the blue part) down, except as a signal of dire distress or immediate danger to life or property.

Why do you put down the flag of the US?

I don't. I'm actually proud of the US, especially lately. When I was growing up, if you were flying the US flag in the rain, the neighbors would call the police.

Did George Washington cut down the moorish flag?

It was a flag the moorish red and green flag to try and hide our history liked they always tried to do to us!

When can the US Flag be displayed properly with the Union down?

A flag flying upside down is an order for any and all U.S. Military that happens to pass that way to stop and help

Is the American flag ever flown upside-down?

I cant think of a specific instance when the flag was flown upside down, but it is only done when a US position has been overrun or if there is an emergency there.A national flag flying upside down is an international sign of distress.