

What time is 4pm pacific time in the eastern time zone?

Updated: 11/6/2021
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7y ago

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4 PM Eastern Daylight Saving Time = noon Pacific Standard Time = 1 PM Pacific Daylight Saving Time

4 PM Eastern Standard Time = 1 PM Pacific Standard Time = 2 PM Pacific Daylight Saving Time


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Jody Fay

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Q: What time is 4pm pacific time in the eastern time zone?
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Most of Oregon is in the Pacific Time Zone, but a small portion of it is on Mountain Time. New York is on Eastern Time. The four main time zones in the U.S. are, from west to east: Pacific ---> Mountain ---> Central ---> Eastern. Each one is one hour later than the last. For example, if it's 3PM Pacific Time, then it's 4PM Mountain Time, 5PM Central Time, and 6PM Eastern Time. So, depending on which time zone in Oregon you are in, 4PM in Oregon is 6PM or 7PM in New York. Fourteen hours after 6PM and 7PM is 8AM and 9AM. So, if you are leaving from the part of Oregon that's on Pacific Time, then it will 9AM when you arrive in New York. If you're leaving from the part that's on Mountain Time, it will be 8AM.

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I believe it starts at 7pm Eastern, 6pm Central, 5pm Mountain, & 4pm Pacific.

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It's a 3-hour time difference, so 1:00pm (13:00) in the east coast would be 10:00am (10:00) in the west coast/pacific time zone.

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The acronym PST stands for Pacific Standard Time, which is the time zone of the west coast of the US which includes California and Washington State among others. This time zone is 3 hours behind EST, Eastern Standard Time, so that when it is 4pm in Los Angeles, California, it is 7pm in New York city. You probably already know what the pm stands for (post meridian, i.e., after noon).

What is full form of pst in standard time?

The acronym PST stands for Pacific Standard Time, which is the time zone of the west coast of the US which includes California and Washington state among others. This time zone is 3 hours behind EST, Eastern Standard Time, so that when it is 4pm in Los Angeles, California, it is 7pm in New York City. You probably already know what the pm stands for (post meridian, i.e., after noon).

What is 4pm eastern time in central time?

4 pm eastern time is 3 pm central time