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Q: What time is this in English sept heures et demie?
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How do you write 715 in French?

if it's a number: sept virgule quinzeif it's time: sept heures quinze, sept heures un quart

How do you spell the time 7 21 in french?

"Il est sept heures moins trente-neuf" means "it's 39 minutes before 7'oclock" or literally "It is 7 hours minus 39" or "Il est six heures vingt-et-un" is "It's 21 minutes after 6" or literally "It is 6 hours 21" Written its: 7h21 The above answers are for a a.m. p.m. scale (put a.m. or p.m. after the 7h21 or say "le matin" for "in the morning" or "l'apres-midi" for "in the afternoon" depending on if it's a.m. or p.m. (I'm not sure if that's completely factual though). Know, with the 24-hour clock (p.m.'s add 12 hours to what their a.m. counter-part was), if it's a.m. it stays the same but if it's p.m. it becomes: "Il est dix-neuf (19, 7+12) heures moins trente-neuf " and "Il est dix-huit (18, 6+12) heures vingt-et-un"

How do you write seven in Latin?


What is the difference between middle English and English?

"Middle English" is a subset of English. Middle English is the type of English spoken in Chaucer's time, as in _The Canterbury Tales_. English is a language as a whole, but over time, the dialect has changed from Old English, the dialect spoken in _Beowulf_, to Middle English, the dialect spoken in Chaucer's time, in _The Canterbury Tales_, to Modern English, the dialect spoken in Shakespeare's time, in _Hamlet_, to today's English, the dialect I'm writing in right now.

Download time to say goodbye English version?

Time to say goodbye (english only)

Related questions

How do you pronounce the French time 730?

7:30 is "sept heures et demi" or "sept heures trente" in French.

How do you write 715 in French?

if it's a number: sept virgule quinzeif it's time: sept heures quinze, sept heures un quart

How do you write time in french?

You write the time then (heures)Exemple: sept heureshuit heures

How do you tell time 7.36AM in french?

7:36 am is "sept heures trente six" or "sept heures trente six du matin" in French. We only add 'du matin' when it is not obvious that you mean 'a.m.'

How do you say 12.30 in french?

If you mean a number then it's douze virgule trenteIf you mean time, either douze heures trente, midi trenteor midi et demie

How do you say 07 55 time in French?

the date 7-15-2011 is "le quinze septembre 2011" in French.

What is am time in French?

If you have to hint that the time is "am" instead of "pm", you add "du matin" in French to the time. Ex: it is seven am > il est sept heures du matin.

Time in French?

What time is it? -- Quelle heure est-il ? -- "kell uhr eh teel"The above is the standard translation that you'll usually find in French 101 textbooks. Here are some other ways of asking the same question:Quelle heure est-ce qu'il est ?Il est quelle heure ?Vous avez (Tu as) l'heure ? (literally, "(do) you have the time?")formal: Auriez-vous l'heure ?very formal: Puis-je vous demander l'heure ?

What is the time 245 in French?

deux heures quarante cinq / trois heures moins le quart

How do you tell time in French?

French uses the word heure (hour) when referring to the time of day. So you do not ask about the time, you ask "what hour is it?" To ask what time it is: quelle heure est-il? To say "it's one o'clock": Il est une heure. To say "in the morning": du matin. To say "in the afternoon" de l'après-midi. To say "at night": de la nuit. However, usually instead of saying "in the morning" or "in the afternoon", French speakers will normally use 24-hour time. For example trente heures (13 h) means one pm. "Half past one" is une heure et demi (written 1 h 30). "Quarter past one" is une heure et quart or une heures et quinze (1 h 15). "Quarter to two" is deuze heures moins quart, or une heure quarante-cinq, or deuze heures moins quinze, all of which are written 1 h 45.Une heure: one o'clock (written 1 h)deux heures: two o'clock (2 h) trois heures: three o'clock (3 h) quatre heures: four o'clock (4 h) cinq heures: five o'clock (5 h)six heures: six o'clock (6 h)sept heures: seven o'clock (7 h)huit heures: eight o'clock (8 h) neuf heures: nine o'clock (9 h) dix heures: ten o'clock (10 h)onze heures: eleven o'clock (11 h) midi: midday, twelve pmminuit: midnight, twelve am.

What time is il est neuf heures in french?

"Il est neuf heures" in French translate to "It is nine o'clock".

What time is il dix heures?

ten o'clock