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white-tailed Deer usually start growing their antlers in late spring to early summer. The velvet ( the furry coating on the antler that makes the antler grow) is shed in early august and the antler is shed after the rut (deer mating season) in November.

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Depending on the weather - how harsh the winter was and rutting activity, a buck usually drops his antlers in Dec. or late January. The new antlers begin to grow immediately.

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Q: What time of year do deer start the regrowth of their antlers?
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Related questions

Why do whitetail shed their antlers?

Yes. All species of deer lose their antlers and then grow back new bigger ones.

When will rutting season be over this year for southeastern Ohio?

The rutting season for deer is pretty much over. Deer are losing their antlers in mid-January. Walking in the woods where deer are known to frequent may lead to discovery of their shed antlers at this time of year.

Why do deer antlers decay after they are on the ground for a while?

Antlers are basically made of keratin or hair like material. It is completely biodegradable and disappears after a certain period of time.

Why do deer need antlers?

The correct answer depends on what time of the year you saw the bull moose. After the Fall rutting season the antlers fall off. The moose will then grow a new set of antlers in the Spring.

When do moose shed there antlers?

White Tail Deer Usually Shed Their Antlers After Mating Season Their Racks Rank Their Toughness To Other Bucks Females Want to Mate With Bucks With A Larger Rack. Mating Season Ranges From December To Early February.

What time do deer lose their antler in Wisconsin?

First of all deer do not lose their antlers but deer can lose them by fighting or when you shoot them hunters would cut them off so there is ur answer.

What time of year do moose get there antlers?

Since moose loose their antlers, they start growing them right away.

Do deer antlers fall off?

yes all reindeer lose their antlers at this time of year and grow back round spring time

How do deer protect them selves?

Most of the time deer will just try to run away from its predator. But if not then a buck will use their antlers, and a doe will stand on their back legs and kick with their front legs

Do all deer shed antlers?

Yes, all deer shed their antlers. Male deer grow and shed their antlers every year. Antlers are composed of true bone. Antler growth begins in late March or early April and the growing bone is covered by skin with numerous blood vessels (velvet). In late summer and early fall, testosterone levels increase. This hormone elevation results in the antlers hardening and the buck rubs off the drying velvet. When testosterone levels begin to drop, antlers start to shed beginning in mid January. Deer that are in the best physical condition will lose their antlers later in the winter. The entire shedding process takes a mere two to three weeks to complete, and the re-growth phase takes place over the summer. The docile male deer that, with the exception of the male and the female reindeer, solely sports antlers, sheds them between January and April, after the autumn mating season draws to a close. He can do without antlers at this time, because his need for them in prior months, to attract and to impress females for his harem of mates, and to fight with his competitors for the females' affections, no longer exists. However, female Caribou also have antlers, as the male Caribou do, but the female do not shed their antlers every year.

What are facts for deer?

They live in forests, but sometimes deserts. The eat plants, grasses and the bark of trees, so they are herbivores. They are mammals, because they bear live young. All of Santa's reindeer must be females, because they still have their antlers at Christmas time. Male deer usually drop their antlers before Thanksgiving.

How does the Staghorn grow?

This answer assumes that by "staghorn" you mean the antlers of a deer, stag, moose, elk, or caribou, all members of the "deer" family. Deer grow antlers, not true horns like cows. Horns are hollow, and are made of keratin, which is the same substance of which our fingernails are made. Antlers, however, are made of bone. Antlers occur primarily on male animals, but also occur on some females, such as the caribou. The growth of the antler bone is triggered by the length of time there is sunlight in the day. Antler growth is also greatly affected by the animals age, its inherited genetic traits, and by its nutrition. The antlers you see on deer, stags, moose, elk, and caribou are grown and shed all within one year! This is so amazing that scientists have studied antler growth in an effort to learn why some cancers grow so fast.