

What time was the attack on pearl harbor?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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It was 7:55 when the attack happened

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Q: What time was the attack on pearl harbor?
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What were the casuelties of the attack on Pearl Harbor?

See website: Pearl Harbor Attack

At what time was the attack on Pearl Harbor?

It began at 0748 local time.

Was there a meeting based on the pearl harbor attack?

See website: Attack on Pearl Harbor

What time did the Japanese attack Pearl harbor?

7:55 am

HttpenwikipediaorgwikiAttack on Pearl Harbor?

Website: Attack on Pearl Harbor

Where was the attack on Pearl Harbor fought?

Hawaii. That is were pearl harbor is.

Who responded to the Japanese attack on pearl harbor?

the united states responded to the attack on pearl harbor.

What was the dollar value that was lost in the attack of Pearl Harbor?

See website: Attack on Pearl Harbor

Why did the attack of Pearl Harbor have less of an impact than the Japanese had planned?

Japan attacked Pearl Harbor to destroy the US Naval Fleet in the pacific. One of the main targets were the Aircraft Carrierswhich were not in Pearl Harbor at the time of the attack.

Were was the attack of Pearl Harbor at?

In Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Pearl Harbor is a harbor on the island of Oʻahu, Hawaii, west of Honolulu.

The MAIN reason the attack at Pearl Harbor was so damaging is because at the time of the attack?

because it destroyed most of the American naval fleet which was lined up in Pearl Harbor.