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Q: What time would be on a 16 year sencense of 16 years?
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What year would it be 95 light years from 1999?

It doesn't make sense to add a distance to a time. A light-year is a unit of distance, not of time. It is the distance light travels in a year.

How much time would a 14 year old in the state of Georgia get for burglery?

five years

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It's around 6991 BC.

What does 6300 light years equal to in earth years?

A light year is a measure of distance not time. A light year is the distance light travels in one year. So for light to travel 6,300 light years, would take 6,300 years

How long can you put a 2 year old on a time out?

you are supposed to put a child in time out according to the number of years they are for example a 2 year old would take a 2 minute time out, 3 years 3 minutes etc.etc.

How old would a twenty year old person be on mars?

You would still be 20 years old. Ages are, by convention, calculated in earth years. A Martian year, the time it takes Mars to orbit the sun, is longer than an earth year. Roughly twice as long, so you would be about half your earth year age in Martian years.

Would it take light years to finish homework?

A light-year is a unit of distance, not a unit of time.

What will you say to a man who slept for 300 years and wakes up at this time of year?

I would say, Are you hungry?

Where do you put an apostrophe when you say like years?

When indicating possession or a contraction with the word "years," you would typically place the apostrophe before the "s." For example, "one year's time" or "two years' experience."

What year will it be in 200 years?

In 200 years, at the time of answering in 2015, it will be the year 2215.

What year will it be in a 200 years?

In 200 years, at the time of answering in 2015, it will be the year 2215.

16 years ago what would be the year?

2006 would be the year 16 years