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Q: What tissue can tolerate the amount of pressure exerted by a hemostat or low-compression biting instruments such as allis and tends to heal rapidly unless diseased of infected?
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In partial nephrectomy, only the diseased or infected portion of the kidney is removed

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infected instruments use case pep semear infectuion

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LOL - mitotic legion is a small army !. - You must mean lesion - in which case it is an infected or diseased patch of skin.Pay attention to spelling !

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Nephrectomy may involve removing a small portion of the kidney or the entire organ and surrounding tissues. In partial nephrectomy, only the diseased or infected portion of the kidney is removed.

How can sterilize HIV infected instrument?

The CDC recommends cleaning instruments with 1 part bleach, 2 parts water.

How come every person who comes in contact with a diseased individual not get infected?

because some peoples immune systems are better than others and some people dont stay near them as long.

How was the plague transmitted?

The plague was primarily transmitted through flea bites from infected rats. The fleas would carry the Yersinia pestis bacterium, which could be passed on to humans through the bites. It could also be transmitted through direct contact with infected bodily fluids or respiratory droplets from coughing.

How do you contract hepatitis?

Since virus of hepatitis is air borne, even a healthy person can catch hepatitis if he/she comes in contact with an affected person, by sharing his utensils, cloths etc. As a precautionary measure, it is advisable to take hepatitis vaccination adult child alike before hand.

What is transmitted by infected animals?

start by defining infected...infected with what?