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You are certain that your patient, who is now convulsing from nerve agent exposure, has already received three MARK 1 kits and their diazepam. What else should be done?

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Q: What to do after three mark 1 kits and diazepam?
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Patient has already received three mark 1 kits and their diazepam what else should be done?

The Mark I Kit is used by the US army, it is given as a cure to patients who have breathed in or consumed nerve agents of chemical war. If three of these kits plus one dose of a diazepam injector have been used on a patient and they are still convulsing, two more diazepam injectors at 10-minute intervals should be administered.

What do you do after administering 3 mark 1 kits?


What will prevent brain damage in nerve agent victims?

3 Mark 1 and O2Administer 3 MARK I kits, 1 CANA and give rapid airway support to correct hypoxia

How do you treat exposure to nerve agent?

should you administer Mark 1 kits to nerve agent exposed patient

What in mark 1 or atnna antidote kits combined conteract nerve agent poisoning?

atropine and 2-pam chloride

Can you drink when taking diazepam?

Alcohol will increase the central nervous system depressant effects of diazepam. You will become overly sedated. A small amount of diazepam and alcohol probably wont kill you, let's say 1 glass of beer and 5 mg of diazepam. But drinking alcohol and diazepam is not a wise thing to do and can be dangerous.

How many kits do skunks have each year?

1 to 12 kits a litter

What is Valium or Diazepam called in Chinese with characters?

Diazepam 地西泮 di(4) xi(1) pan(4), also known by its trade name Valium 安定 an(1) ding(4)

What three baptisms are mentioned in mark 1?

In Christ, Water, Holy Spirit

How does diazepam undergo phase 1 metabolism?

Cytochrome P450 allows phenytoin to undergo aromatic hydroxylation to turn into phenol.

Where is the fraction three fourths on a ruler?

ALL of the fractions on a ruler are between the zero end and the ' 1 ' mark. Since there are an infinite number of them, it's not possible to label all of them, so NONE of them are labeled. 'Three fourths of an inch' is located 3/4 of the distance from the zero end to the ' 1 ' mark. Some rulers have a mark there. Others don't. 'Three fourths of a foot' is the mark labeled ' 9 '.

How can you represent three fourth on a number line?

Mark .75% of way from 0 to 1.