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Don't freak out, they are very common to have. They can also be easily treated with over the counter cold sore creams. Apply one of them regularly to the cold sore until it's gone. Cold sores are contagious during a break out so try to avoid things like kissing on or around the lips, sharing utensils or drinks when you have a cold sore. If it's a sever break out you may want to see your doctor and get some antiviral medication.

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Q: What to do if already have the breakout of cold sore?
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If I am already a cold sore carrier and it's already in my system and I kiss my girlfriend who has a cold sore right now will I develop a cold sore too even though I am already a carrier?

maybe not

Would using Zovirax on a cold sore help reduce healing time?

If your cold sore has already appeared then treatment with Zovirax Cold Sore Cream can speed up the healing process.

Can you get a cold sore wet?

You can get a cold sore wet.

Can you kiss someone with a coldsore if you already have the virus?

Do not kiss a girl friend if you have a cold sore.

Is a cold sore a micro-organism?

A cold sore is a micro-organism.

Can you pop your cold sore?

Do not pop the cold sore; it can cause it to spread.

Is a cold sore caused by a bacteria?

A cold sore is caused by a virus.

Can anyone get cold sore?

Anyone, who comes into contact with the virus, can get a cold sore.

Can dogs get a cold sore from people?

Dogs wont get a cold sore from people.

Can nipples get sore due to cold weather?

Nipples can get sore due to cold weather.

How do you get rid of a coldsores?

You use Abreva. It is the only cold sore medicine that i would recommend. It works extremely fast and you could have it gone in less than a week. If your cold sore has not even already started and you feel a tingling sensation on your lip, you are most likely to get a cold sore in the next few hours. The best thing to do then is to use Abreva and/or put cold ice onto your lip. I hope that helps. (:

What is a cold sore and what are the symptoms?

A cold sore is an inflamed blister around the mouth and lips. The symptoms of a cold sore are fever, sore throat, pain around the mouth, and swollen glands around the neck.