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Q: What to do if the manager terminates because of an argue?
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Yes because it terminates

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It is rational because it terminates.

Is 2.138 an irrational number?

No, because the decimal terminates after the 8.

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It is a rational number because it terminates.

Is 8.673 a repeating decimals?

No because it terminates at 3 decimal places

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It is a decimal that terminates.

What number always terminates?

Any rational number terminates.

Are manager are born or made?

Most would argue that managers are born. This is because these managers personality favors being the boss, knowing what to do under stress, and being determined to get the job done.

Is six an rational?

six is obviously rational because it terminates; unlike pi which is 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993............. and who knows what

Why do adults all ways argue?

well they could argue because they have problems with something or someone, or because they are in a bad mood.

Why is o33333330 a terminating decimal?

it is a terminating decimal because it doesnt go on infinitely, it stops at the zero( it terminates)