

What to do if your lawyer is wrong?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Find a new one and tell your lawyer about hisself...

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Q: What to do if your lawyer is wrong?
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What's wrong with that? Anyone can write a Novel!

Is it wrong to speak against wrong?

It's your personal choice. I think it's wrong to speak against wrong because you could be in any situation where your wrong, so in the end you would be hypocritical AND wrong :) Or you could say it isn't wrong to speak against wrong because you could be objecting or putting someone to justice for their wrong doing. EXAMPLE: A murder trial and you are the victims lawyer ( the family of the victim's lawyer, because the victim is dead)

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No, it could not expire but it can get it suspended if you do something bad/wrong

What if a lawyer thinks his client is doing something wrong?

It doesn't matter if the client killed 100 people, the lawyer still has to attempt to prove the client is innocent.

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wft is wrong w/ u terd

What is the role of a trial lawyer?

The role is to protect someone and try to prove the other person wrong

How do you sue Disney?

if there is something wrong with it or if a vid/movie offends ure race or culture then sue them by callibng a lawyer

What word is usually pronounced wrong even by the smartest people?

lawyer.... its not pronounced loy-ur. its law-ur

What to do if you feel like your lawyer isn't properly representing you?

You should probably schedule an appointment with the lawyer to talk about your concerns before making a decision. Your option are to 1) do nothing, 2) fire the lawyer and represent yourself, 3) fire the lawyer and hire another one.

How much does an average lawyer cost in a capital crime?

Well an average lawyer would usually at least a few rune sets, depending on the hours your fighting in the Bh. If your a "No honor lawyer". You actually end up gaining a few rune sets and your free from any wrong doings.