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I think a lot depends on how it ended, to be honest. Sometimes people just drift apart, and both parties just stop putting the effort towards maintaining the friendship. There's all kinds of reasons this can happen - one of you moves a long distance away, or instance. I think if you still care for the person, you should try and extend the olive branch one last time, but be willing to let go if you don't hear back from them.

If a friendship ends badly, well again, it depends. Did the other party wrong you? And if they did, are you willing to forgive them? If you think the friendship is beyond repair, and they have done something to deeply hurt or harm you, then they don't deserve the courtesy of a final call/text. Just drop them, take the effort you would have put into a final note, and put it towards yourself. Treat yourself to a night out (or in!) and remind yourself that they don't deserve someone like you in their life.

But - if *you* were the one in the wrong, don't be surprised if you get chewed out in one final phone call. Take it as a lesson learned, and treat your other friends better moving forward.

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Lvl 7
4y ago
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Lvl 1
3y ago
A year later and now I’m actually using this advice 😞😞
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Curtis Strite

Lvl 1
3y ago
Good answer
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Arii Yearwood

Lvl 1
3y ago
this is really help ful
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Viva Kub

Lvl 10
4y ago

Obviously it depends on the friendship, but I think approaching it with as much kindness as you can (both for yourself and for the other person) goes a long way in any situation.

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Ciera Gamez

Lvl 2
4y ago

for me that depends on how long thje friendship has lasted so probably taking her everywhere then saying that i dont do wants to be friends but they might be sad for them and tnhat would be hard on them and i dont wanna loose my best and closest friend ever

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Debra Quigley

Lvl 2
4y ago

You should try and leave things so that if the other person wants to renew the friendship again in the future, they feel comfortable enough to come to you and tell you so. There was a reason you became friends in the first place and some day, whatever broke up the friendship will not matter so much anymore. Good friends are hard to find so be the bigger person and let them know everyone may be upset right now but it's not forever and someday, you're going to need each other.

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Lvl 2
4y ago

Friends will grow apart in time. It isn't you and it isn't them it's just life. It's happened a milion thmes to me and also I move a lot. My dad is in the Air Force so I am used to it. You may be sad but you'll have to move on. You just have to forget them. You'll find new friends in the end. Just be tough.

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Bailey Huggins

Lvl 2
4y ago

when i had to go to a different school, i really missed my friend because she was the first person to become my friend when i was in Pre-K. ending friendship can be really hard. but, if you are talking about when you and your friend get in an arguement, then i have a perfect solution. the best think you can do, is to try and talk it out, or just think about all the years ya'll have been friends. then, you can try and think about all the fun ya'll had together. after that, you and your friend should talk, but if your friend dosn't want to talk to you anymore, then you can try to talk to an adult about how hard you have been trying to get your friend back.

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Wiki User

16y ago

Be thankful for the time this person was in your life and take whatever it is you may have learned from this friendship into the future as to repeat or not repeat anything you would like to have had different.

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Lori Mashburn

Lvl 2
4y ago

You should tell them nicely that they did something wrong or whatver, and like so. "Hey can we talk for a minute?" Then you tell them like this. "I don't think that this friendship is working out. I am sorry if I hurt your feelings, but I can't be friends with you anymore." Thats how it should go.


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Hayeon Kwon

Lvl 3
4y ago

if i had to end a friendship is ask why they want to end the friendship , try to make new friends. ive gone though this reacently so i know how you might feel if that hapens to you. people these days are really rude to people . i didn't mean that much but i hopw you will understabd. ive been upset after that for the rest of the 2 weeks that i had left before winterbreak. i was upset and didn't look at there faces when they were staring at me. dont be upset and think positive . i was bullied for a very ong time and still am . ive been always lonley and without nobody . dont end your relationship as a friend for such a long time.

i hope this works

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Callie Miller

Lvl 2
4y ago

It depends. Sometimes people can forgive each other and go back to the usual, but sometimes people drift away like a log in a river. . Saying sorry can cure lots of things though, I think. But if you think you can safely go back to being friends, then go ahead.

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