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The incubation period for lovebirds is about 23 days. So after this time has elapsed, and if the eggs were incubated correctly by the parents, the chicks will begin to hatch. If the eggs do not hatch then they are probably infertile and can be removed from the nest. It is common and natural for females to lay infertile eggs.

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Q: What to do when a love bird is egg bound?
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Do love birds get egg bound?

yes they do it is common with them and can lead to death if not tended to.

How do you know when a love bird egg is bad?

it is brown like ___________________

How do you help bird having problems laying egg?

Egg bound hens need a quiet,warm safe area to nest. Separate the bird from the rest of the flock, allow plenty of water ( with a soluble tonic) and undisturbed rest. If you can feel an egg in the cloaca and the above method does not work within 24 hours, you can lubricate the cloaca with petroleum jelly to aid in release of the bound egg. Be very careful not to break the egg.

Is candling love bird eggs bad?

No. People encourage it. It makes them fart a lot and that gets them to fall in love. Egg love!

Info about cockatiels egg?

86% of the time a cockatiel's eggs aren't fertile. The cockatiel lays them if it is in love with you. If it lays them you have a problem, and it's called being egg bound. If an egg gets stuck, then your beloved bird will die.

How can you make a bird in text?

(=^) bird in egg =^ bird not in egg(=eyes ^beak)

Your love bird laid one egg in the morning and then one later that day is this normal?


If you eat too many eggs will you become egg bound?

No. "Egg bound" is when a hen cannot lay an egg, and the egg(s) become trapped in her reproductive system.

Is there a live bird in egg?

yes, because it has grown into a bird in the egg

What does egg bound mean?

the term egg bound refers to a condition in laying hens where a hen is unable to pass an egg that has formed. The egg may be stuck near the cloaca, or further inside

Can a blackbird get egg bound?

no we can not eat it