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Go to another store or ask the cashier for help

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Q: What to do when entering the 4 digit security code for American Express when the site only will take 3?
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Related questions

What is meant by CVV?

Card Verification Value. A 3-digit security code (except for American Express) which is printed on the back of the card separate from the credit card number, used to verify the user actually has the card with them. In the case of American Express, it is a 4-digit code printed on the front of the card.

How many digit American express credit card have?

Up to 17 or so

What do American Express card numbers start with?

The first digit is a three.

How to get the ccv number from card?

It is printed behind the card. It is a 3 digit number for VISA/MASTERCARD. It is 4 digit for American Express

What is a CVV number?

CVV is an anti-fraud security feature to help verify that you are in possession of your credit card. For Visa/Mastercard, the three-digit CVV number is printed on the signature panel on the back of the card immediately after the card's account number For American Express, the four-digit CVV number is printed on the front of the card above the card account number.

How long is a credit card number?

A credit card number is usually 16 digits long. American Express uses a 15 digit number.

How do you express the day- time group?

as a six digit date-time

How you cant get your number recharged by randomly entering the 16 or 13 digit numbers?

You cannot

How does the army express the day time group?

As a six digit date-time.

What is someone's credit card number and security code?

The credit card number is the 16-digit number on the front of the card; the security code is a three- or four-digit number on the back of the card.

How many digits does a valid credit card number contain?

The number of digits in a valid credit card can change depending upon the type of card. Mastercard and VISA use a 16 digit system, while others including American Express use a 15 digit system.

What credit card starts with 6?

The first digit in your credit-card number signifies the system:3 - travel/entertainment cards (such as American Express and Diners Club)4 - Visa5 - MasterCard6 - Discover Card