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Q: What to do when there are frequent stomach upset after bladder and bile surgery?
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It depends on the baby, but it doesn't take much for a baby to become uncomfortable: hunger, bladder, upset stomach, too many strangers...

How do you make a sentence with upset?

I had an upset stomach. He upset me greatly.

What makes you have upset stomach when you eat to much?

some time there are bad things in the food that make you stomach upset

Can basil cause diarrhea or upset stomach?

From past experiences it has almost always upset my stomach in a bad way.

What is the most common side effect of aspirin?

It can cause stomach bleeding, which is why it should be taken with food.

What is the cause of upper back pain and upset stomach?

I'm not a medical expert by I have near constant pain in the next and shoulder from foraminal stenosis - i.e. a narrowing of the opening where the nerves come out. I get frequent migraines with an upset stomach that, based on some research, may be related to the foraminal stenosis. Talk to your doctor, have them order an MRI or CT to confirm.

What are the symptoms for heartburn vs an upset stomach?

Heartburn is an acidic feeling in your chest, throat, maybe stomach area, while an upset stomach is only a pain or uncomfortable feeling in your stomach.

What can you drink for upset stomach when you have chirrosis of the liver?

What is causing the upset stomach. If you are nauseas, cola or coke is good. So is ginger tea. Ginger ale is good for soothing an upset stomach

How can one treat an upset stomach?

You can go to the bathroom or put a rag that is warm over you upset stomach.

Can exercise cause upset stomach?

it depends, if you work TOO hard you will get an upset stomach, along with if you are really dehydrated you may feel nauseas...

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