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You can use Vaseline or Neosporin, they both work, also try using tissues with lotion.

UPDATE: If Vaseline is making your nose feel hardened, you can also try Neutrogena Hand cream. But DO NOT pull/peel off the hardened, crusty parts. It will burn and bleed like crazy. Take it from someone who made the mistake.

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11y ago

Those tissues with aloe help prevent this. You can also lie back and take it easy as much as possible until it passes so it drains back instead of clogging your nose making you blow to breathe and will be expelled as waste instead.

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Q: What to do when your nose is sore when you blow your nose so much?
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If your nose is "running," then you have a mucus discharge. The image is of the mucus running out of your nose so that you need a tissue or you need to blow the mucus out.

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No boogers all smell the same and they probubly are not even smelly and it is not an EW!!! because that is part of life and you deal with it because everyone has boogers and if someone picks their nose then who cares becausewe all our nose so who cares really!!! and it matters how much you have because boogers can make you not smell so it is good to blow your nose once in a while with a TISSUE!!! and for using your nose breathers blow your nose often but with mouth breathers it is ok just make sure you wash your body in hot or cold water by talking a shower or bath but i prefer showers now that i am older but make sure you blow your nose!!!!!

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Why do you honk when you blow your nose?

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I would say so.