

How do you keep your mouse warm?

Updated: 10/3/2023
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15y ago

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if you have them indoors they will be fine at a temperature you are comfortable in. outoors (in a shed) you can use a heat lamp above the cage. be carefull not to let the heat lamp touch anything flammable. and your mice need a nest to stay warm. lint, tissues, scraps of cloth, yarn... they are very adaptable! good luck!

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16y ago
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15y ago

Rodent Mouse: Keep the temperature in the room at something that's comfortable for you--say, between 60 and 75 degrees F. And provide your mouse with bedding, and something they can hide in like a small box or one of those wooden houses you can find at the pet store. Give them tissues and stuff like hamster bedding, and they'll make their own cozy little nests. Plus, if you have more than one, they'll snuggle together.

If your mouse is sick or very young or seems to be having trouble, you can try putting a water bottle in with it. Or put a heating pad under half of the cage and set it at low or medium. Leave half of the cage unheated so the mouse can get away from the heat if it wants--they can get overheated easily. Computer Mouse: The computer mouse is cold to touch during the winter months or whenever the temperatures drop. To keep your computer mouse warm, use an USB heated computer mouse. Computer mice come in a variety of shapes, sizes and with multi-functionalities. If you find your computer mouse is cold, you can keep is warm by using a mouse with heat. A warm mouse is safe for people and the computer. To learn more about the "USB heated computer mouse" search Google. There are a variety of mouse warmers and mouse warming techniques. To keep your computer mouse warm, you can use a mouse warmer blanket and a mouse warmer pad. Both items provide warmth for the computer mouse.

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13y ago

You can take a heir drier and put it NOT to close to the animal, but keep a small distance. Is the animal is smaller in size, you can use some cotton or another warm fabric and just cover it gently.

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13y ago

Well they should just have there mother for warmth and she should have made a nest for them.

If they don't have a mother and they are in a cage, just put some wood shavings in a pile, place the baby's on them and you can get a reptile light to keep them warm. If you don't know what a reptile light is, just look it up! :D

If they have a mother and you think they look cold, you can just buy some wood shavings from the pet store and place them near the mother and baby's, and she should come and collect them to make a nest.

Put plenty wood shavings there because mice can be picky. :)

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17y ago

Baby mice sleep a lot to keep their bodies worm. But you can wrap it in a blanket so it doesn't lose body temperature

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13y ago

They make burrows. But I put a spare fleece glove in my cage, it keeps them warm and they sleep in it.

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11y ago

Through the protection of its mother.

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where did you find this mouse? was it in your house or out side? you can get out some whole milk and warm it up but not to much or it will burn the mouse and how long have you kept it for? you can get a cage or some thing to hold the mouse and get a heating pad so it will keep the mouse warm. and try to contact a rescue! for more info contact boodadah I have also just find a baby orphaned mouse and what i have done is; warm up some milk and put it in an eyedropper and force feed it or it might not survive, make some warm bedding, put a light over it, bring it outside in a box for some fresh air, if its eyes are still cloed keep wiping them if you think there 2-6 weeks old (not rough), pick it up every other hour to get it used to people. Hope this works! Good luck! P.S. for costapated mice pute honey in the milk. And mice arnt picky so if you hear that cats milk is better, it doesnt matter!

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