

What to do with MDiv degree?

Updated: 12/3/2022
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Q: What to do with MDiv degree?
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What is the proper salutation for a letter to someone with an MDiv degree?

The proper salutation for a letter to someone with an MDiv degree would be "Reverend" if they are ordained as a minister. If they are not ordained, you can address them as "Mr." or "Ms." followed by their last name.

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How many subjects it take to become an paster?

You mean "pastor," not "paster." You mean, in any case, a reverend, or minister... clergy.I love answering this one, in part because I'm clergy, and so I really know; and also because one of my management consulting firm's areas of expertise is higher education and accreditation... so I really know! And I'm happy to help you.In the United States (US), there are what are called "mainline" Christian denominations: Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutheran, Reformed, United Church of Christ, Disciples of Christ, American Baptist, etc. These mainline denominations tend to be well-organized, with a national hierarchal structure; and they usually own one to several seminaries. The educational requirements of mainline denominations will tend to be more academically rigorous.The "non-denominational" groups, though; and the evangelicals, fundamentalists, etc......their requirements can be "all over the map," as they say. In other words, depending on the group, there may be anything from no educational requirements at all, right up to educational requirements that are on-par with the mainline denominations. It all just depends.With the non-mainline groups, something as simple as experience, and being tutored by an experienced pastor may be good enough. Regardless what kind of church it is, though, I don't recommend so little education, even if the church will accept it.Or, other non-mainline groups might require an associates degree in some kind of theology or ministry, and that's good enough. Or they may require a bachelors degree in ministry or theology.The groups that are really serious about their clergy being well-educated, though -- and that includes the mainline denominations -- will require all their clergy to have what's called a "Master of Divinity" (MDiv) degree. The MDiv is the normative educational credential for really serious chuch groups and denominations.And one may not, typically, enter an MDiv program until one has a bachelors degree of some kind, first.An MDiv contains from 72 to 90 semester credit hours of coursework; plus, quite often, what's called a "practicum," wherein the pastor-to-be spends some time learning from an experienced pastor, in a real church. It can take up to five years to complete an MDiv program that includes up to 90 semester credit hours of coursework, plus a practicum. Even a 72-semester-credit-hour MDiv, with no practicum, should still take at least three years.And, of course, the bachelors degree, before one can even begin an MDiv, takes four years, after high school. Or, it can be a two-year associates (which counts as the first two years of the bachelors), and then the last two years of the bachelors... either way, it's four years of undergraduate study after high school before the MDiv may even be started.You asked about number of subjects...At either the undergraduate (associates and bachelors) level, each subject or class or course is worth 3 semester credit hours; and so, then, a 120-semester-credit-hour bachelors degree contains forty (40) courses or classes or subjects, whatever word you want to use.At the graduate (MDiv) level, each course (or class, or subject) is also worth, on average, three (3) semester credit hours; and so, then, if the MDiv contains 90 semester credit hours of coursework, then that's 30 courses (or subjects, or classes... again, whatever word you want to use). If it's an only-72-semester-credit-hour MDiv, then just divide 72 by 3 and that will tell you how many courses are in it.Some (not many, but a few) MDiv programs contain 84 semester credit hours; which, again, if divided by 3 will tell you how many courses or classes or subjects it contains.Remember, though, that graduate-level coursework, such as found in an MDiv program, is a lot harder than undergraduate (associates/bachelors) level coursework. So, then, what I'm saying is that you'd work quite a bit harder to earn three semester credit hours of MDiv credit than you will in order to earn that same number of semester credit hours at the undergrad (associates/bachelors) level. So, then, in other words, each MDiv course is not-insignificantly harder than each associates and/or bachelors degree course. Keep that in mind when you're tallying-up courses.Martin Luther (of whom, if you're going to be a pastor, you should already be aware) was deadly serious about the importance of education... especially for clergy. The Bible, too, come to think of it. That's, in part, why pretty much all of the mainline denominations require, minimally, an MDiv as the normative educational credential for clergy.An MDiv, too, you must realize, is a "professional" degree. If mainline clergy intends to teach at a seminary, then a higher-level academic "Master of Theology" (MTh or ThM) degree, usually atop the MDiv, is minimally required; and either a "Doctor of Theology" (ThD), or "Doctor of Philosophy" (PhD) is preferred. From bachelors through PhD or ThD can take -- you'll probably want to sit down for this -- as many as many as twenty years.... no kidding.But just getting the bachelors, plus the normative MDiv, should take 7 to 9 years, after high school, including practicum (if the denomination even requires practicum... fewer and fewer are).If it's not a mainline denomination, though, a mere bachelor of theology or minsitry will often do... it just depends on the group. And, if so, then that can usually be obtained in around four years after high school. Some additional practicum, though, may additionally be required.Hope that helps!

What is the difference between Master of Divinity and Master of Theology degrees?

in most seminaries, you must have a Master of Divinity before you can enter the Master of Theology program

Is Andersonville Theological Seminary Accrediated?

No. The seminary itself states that it is accredited by '''Transworld Accrediting Commission International (not a legitimate, State recognized accreditation). A "degree" from Andersonville may be acceptable by the standards of some churches but not all. Warning: if you put this school on your resume for a secular job, they will most likely laugh at you, thus embarrassing you. In their eyes, "earning" a degree from Andersonville is no better than purchasing one from a diploma mill. I would recommend doing something accredited, at least for an undergraduate degree. It will help you if you ever need a job in the secular field (I know many pastors who have to do so), unless you don't mind selling vacuum cleaners door-to-door.Okay. Go ahead and spend $40,000 on an accredited degree. An Accredited MDIV will take you no further than an unaccredited MDIV. What can you do with a $30 - $50,000 Accredited MDIV or any seminary degree? You can pastor, serve on a church staff, do missionary work, chaplain work and a few other jobs. You can do all these same jobs with an unaccredited seminary degree.There are lots of people with Accredited expensive degrees selling vacuum cleaners, working fast-food etc.Transworld is not a government Accreditation group. They are a Bible-based Accreditation entity! Thank God! Government accreditation entities allow for teaching liberalism, may have homosexual/lesbian teachers and encourage the teaching of evolution.Before you run out and take out a bank loan for your seminary Accredited degree you should compare apples and oranges. When you are paying back your loan on your government accredited degree and working at McDonalds for under $8 an hour you may wonder if it was worth it.

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Jesse Jackson went to University of Illinois, Urbana-ChampaignNorth Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (BS)Chicago Theological Seminary (MDiv)

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The symbol for First Trust Exchange-Traded Fund VI Multi-Asset Diversified In in NASDAQ is: MDIV.

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The salary of a theologian can vary depending on factors such as their specific role, experience, education, and location. On average, theologians in the United States earn around $50,000 to $70,000 per year. However, salaries can range from $30,000 to over $100,000 depending on the aforementioned factors.

What degree comes after a bachelors in management degree?

The next degree is the master's degree.