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leave it alone don't touch the kittens (they are to fragile at birth I wouldn't touch them until they are at least a week old (unless its winter then I put them in a towel or something). Its a mother cat's nature to eat the umbilical cord and all the blood and other fluids because in the wild usually mother cats hunt, but if they have kittens they can't so they have to eat the fluids and umbilical cord.

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Just ignore it and it will dry out and fall of the mother will take care of it.

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Q: What to do with the umbilical cord attached to kitten and after birth?
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Do donkeys have an umbilical cord?

Yes, they do. When they are born, the momma cat chews through the umbilical cord, and the sack that each kitten is in.

Does the umbilical cord slide back up once its cut?

No. The umbilical cord is attached to the placenta, which is the sack that the baby grows in. After giving birth, the placenta and the umbilical cord leave the body through the vagina.

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Where does the other end of the ambilical cord go after it is cut from the mother?

After the kitten is born the umbilical cord is attached to the ambionic sac attached to the kitten. The mother will eat (lick) the sac throughout the rest of the birthing to maintain energy. It will leave a bloody mark so make sure she is giving birth on something you can throw away after

What happens to the woman's after birth?

It is the baby's umbilical cord not the woman's. At birth the umbilical cord is tied and cut. the bit attached to the baby shrinks and withers with time to form the navel or belly button. The other end is attached to the placenta and comes out with the afterbirth.

To which structure does the umbilical cord connect the embryo?

The umbilical cord is attached to the placenta and the placenta is attached to the wall of the uterus

What attaches the placenta to the baby?

As long the surfaces are clean and dry you could probably get away with a bit of double-sided sticky tape. Seriously, my grasp of biology leaves a lot to be desired but I'll try and look this up for you. Back soon. It would appear that the placenta is attached to the embryo by the umbilical cord.

What do they call the thing attached to babies' belly button?

It is called as umbilical cord. Baby get it's blood supply via this cord in the womb of the mother. This umbilical cord has to to be cut and tied after the birth of the bay. The stump falls off after few days after the birth of the baby

Is the umbilical cord attached to your belly button?


When does a fetus get food before birth?

With mammals, the fetus has a connection by its umbilical cord to an organ of the mother, called the placenta. Blood passes through the umbilical cord to the fetus, carrying food and oxygen. The umbilical cord is attached to the fetus at a point you will later call your navel or belly button.

What is the pit that marks where the umbilical cord was attached?


Do baby gorillas have an umbilical cord at birth?

Yes, all baby gorillas do have an umbilical cord at birth. And that includes all mammals.