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Hot water only! I have healed ALL over my body modifications with simple hot water. Heat it to as hot as you can stand, for a tattoo, soaking isn't advised, but at the end of your shower run the hottest water u can stand over that are for as long as you can (51-10 minutes at least). The heat will get the blood pumping to that area.

And positive thinking! Imagine all the white blood cells going to that area and fixing whatever is wrong. Sounds weird, but I've healed everything with hot water and positive thinking. Let your skin air dry and apply a VERY thin layer of unscented, natural moisturizer, don't lather it right up.

If you think your tattoo is infected, then go to your general practitioner as soon as possible. You need to rule out the possibility of severe infections such as staph so that you can maintain your overall health. A topical ointment can be used, and will probably be recommended by your doctor. Although some antibacterial ointments can have negative effects on the look of your tattoo, it is worth having the piece touched up at a later time to preserve your health. I DO NOT recommend using hot water. It can do more damage than good to the area, especially if you have a high pain tolerance. If you do put your fresh tattoo under hot water, you will probably think the infection is getting worse due to the reddening of the skin, and you could possibly cause the tattoo to scar.

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Q: What to put on an infected tattoo?
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You should get it done by a tattoo paror cuzzz if you do it yourself it ll get infected and you ll have to take it off put it on yourself if you have experience otherwise I'm pretty sure its cheaper to do it yourself

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No, all you have to do is remaun calm. The only way you can get infected is by tampering with the tattoo.

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sounds like its infected, go to doctor

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no its not infected its just healing. put a and d ointment on it to keep the scabing to a minimum.

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You need to wait until the tattoo is completely healed because of all the bacteria in a hot tube your tattoo could get infected if its not healed all the way.