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Q: What to put out flammable objects on fire?
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How does flammable liquid effect people and objects?

Flammable liquids burn. Once they catch on fire, they can cause other things to burn, including people's clothing, people, and objects in the room.

Why is smoking a cause of fire?

An improperly discarded cigarette can cause flammable objects to ignite.

Why should you never put a spray can in a fire?

most have flammable chemicals in them and can add to the fire

How much flammable liquid will a 10 b fire extinguisher put out?

Approximately ten square feet of surface of a Class B flammable liquid fire.

Can hydrogen sulphide put out fire?

No. Hydrogen sulfide is highly flammable.

Do all liquids put out fire?

Obviously not. Many liquids are flammable.

What type of fire will be put out by a b-1 fire extinguisher?

B-1 is for a Class B fire, that is, flammable/combustible liquids and gases.

Can hydrogen be used to put out fire?

No. Hydrogen is highly flammable, so adding it to a fire would only make it bigger.

Cold Fire is used to put out what type of fires?

Cold Fire is an extinguisher used to put out any types of fires of class A, B or D. Those include ordinary combustibles, flammable liquids, flammable gases, and combustible metals. The fire classes are according to American standards.

Does farting on fire cause an explosion?

All the aerosols have a certain composition of Alcohol mixture in them and it is mainly this very element that influences the fire and makes aerosols extremely flammable. Most of the aerosols also have a consumption of Propane, Isobutane , Butane and other chemical elements in a compressed form that makes these flammable objects more likely to cause fire.

What does B1 on a fire extinguisher indicate?

Class B fire extinguishers are for fires of flammable liquids (grease, gasoline, oil, propane, paints). The numerical rating of "1" signifies the the number of square feet of the flammable fire that a non-expert could expect to put out.So, a B1 extinguisher will help put a flammable material fire on only one (1) square foot before it runs dry.

Why are flammable objects flammable?

Because they are able to oxidate at a special teperature (ignition point) with an observable flame, which means that they are able to oxidate very quickly in an atmosphere which is enriched with at least the normal concentration of Oxygen.