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you should tell her to try and fix everything

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Q: What to tell your best friend's ex if she dumped him for no reason?
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It is the best policy to always tell the truth. Just tell your friends that you didn't get the kitten and give them the reason why. It is no one's business when you get the kitten, but your own.

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Sometimes knowing the reason your boyfriend broke up with you is easier, so you're not clueless about why he dumped you. Try to keep being friends with him. If you don't want to be friends, then burn a picture of him and tell yourself that it's his loss, not yours.

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tell her that she can't control who you are friends with but all that she wants is just to always be your best friend (don't tell her the stuff in bold its just her reason) =]

What should i do if i get dumped for my best friend?

i would tell my friend to brake up with him or her or not be freinds with her or him

What do you do if your two best friends break up and she can't forgive him?

Tell her how happy you guys where when they weren't going out and it will e better this way and tell her it would make them happy and they should at lest stay friends. I mean if they where friends before there shouldn't be a reason why they can't be friends now..

Ex boyfriend wants me back but Im in another relationship now what shall you do?

Well if you dumped him then remember why you dumped him. If he dumped you, then remember that he thought for what ever reason you were not good enough for him, so why should you give yourself back to him. If I were you I would tell him to F off.

What reason should a girl give to a guy when the girl dont to be in a relationship with that guy?

don't tell that guy that you hate him, tell him you are sorry but you don't feel the same as he does towards you. You can be friends or even best friends. I hope that would help! =]

A friend of mine needs to fix a fight between best friends quickly so how do i do it?

firstly..........u should tell the reason of the fight....

How do you tell the guy you dumped you still like him and want to get back together with him too?

Tell him the reason you dumped him was because you hate how much you love him that you hated that you loveed him more than yourself and that you have realised there is nothing you can do about and you are dying to be close to him every half of second rate this ans

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It depends on how your best friends feel about him if they like him tell them you like him and they may understand and tell him how you feel or they are not your best friends and just go along of what he is doing with them. Your crush and your best friends are jerks if they don't let them have him or he wants them and not you. Tell him that you are jealous. Tell him how you feel also.

What do you do if you like a boy and you think he likes you but all your friends hate him?

I went through the same thing and i dumped him and i regret it so stay with him ! talk to ur friends and tell them they should be happy for you!

What should you do if you dumped a guy you think you still like and want to be friends but you only got 2 months before he leaves what should you do?

tell him that you really had to dump him for some reason but you you still miss his company and cant do without it.. appeal him to talk to you just as a friend..