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There's no such thing as the 'autism epidemic'.

Autism is a variation in neurology, it is not a disease so cannot be an 'epidemic'. This terminology is commonly used by those who are against Autistic people or use Autism to further their agenda (such as using it to make money - e.g. Autism Speaks) to create a culture of fear, often using misleading data claiming Autism is on the increase when it's not (diagnosis has increased, Autism hasn't).

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Q: What to the government do based on the autism epidemic?
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Has You Tube Video autism epidemic out of control alerted media to finally do something about misinformation on autism?

There is no Autism epidemic - it's not a disease or a virus, Autism is a neurological difference and represents Autistic people - referring to Autism as an epidemic is referring to Autistic people as an epidemic, it is dangerous and prejudice. People use the term 'epidemic' to promote fear surrounding Autism in order to push their agenda's or to make money, in the mean time not caring about how this impacts on those of us who are Autistic.

What exactly is the Age of Autism?

The Age of Autism is an investigation by Dan Olmsted the global epidemic of Autism and the relationship between Autism and mercury poisoning. It was written from January 2005 to July 2007.

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What percentage of people have Autism ?

Autism is currently at a rate of 1 in 68 - this is according to the CDC and true as of July 2016.Note this is autism diagnosis, the rates of diagnosis have increased but there is absolutely no evidence that Autistic people are increasing in numbers - even if there were it could be explained simply by the fact Autistic people are more likely to have Autistic children. The idea that this figure is scary and evidence autism is on the increase is false, there is no so-called 'autism epidemic'.

Is the UK against autism?

No, the UK is not against autism and I'm not sure how countries could be against a disorder.The UK is one of the most tolerant places for Autism, for example we have one of the only Autism-specific laws (Autism Act) which requires people in government and healthcare to learn about Autism and a pathway to diagnosis. Although Autistic people in the UK still face prejudice in schools and employment, also under Tory government Autistic people are less likely to work, get support into work, or receive appropriate benefits - this is the fault of the Tory government, not the UK.

Why should people be concerned about autism?

People shouldn't be concerned about Autism. There's a lot of people using propaganda against Autistic people to increase their own profits or agenda: for example Autism Speaks telling people that there is an 'epidemic' to scare people about Autism so that people will donate to them to 'cure' Autism. The fact is that Autism diagnosis is increasing but that doesn't mean that Autism is on the rise, in fact there's no evidence to support the idea that it is on the rise. Autism is also not a terrible thing, what is terrible is lack of support, treatment, and acceptance of Autistic people which not only harms them but also harms families who are made to believe they must spend a fortune on unnecessary and harmful treatments to try to change their Autistic child. Autism isn't the problem, attitudes towards Autism are the real concern.

Why are people born autistic?

People don't develop Autism after birth, Autism is a neurological difference so it is a result of brain development while still developing in the womb. It's believed that Autism starts during the second trimester of pregnancy. A person is born Autistic.

What qualifies as an epidemic?

An epidemic is a disease where the number of cases affected are from a large area of a particular city or country of which is also spreadout and not only in one specific area. There is also a particular government agency responsible for declaring an epidemic of a disease in the place.

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Has there been an epidemic of autism in America over the last ten years?

ANSWER= As someone who has worked with children who have autism [I dislike "autistic kids"], my personal opinion is: not so many years ago, doctors, experts and parents had no notion of autism. The more we all began to recognize it, the more children became "diagnosed" with autism. I put it in quotation marks because there really is no diagnosis, as in other maladies. There is no blood test, there is no genetic test, there is no DNA test. What there is is a long list of criteria-- certain behaviors and actions and feelings on the part of the child [or adult]. If the child or adult is evaluated, and they meet a large portion of the criteria, we acknowledge with a great bit of certainty that they have autism. Again, there is no definitive test. Having said that, a more direct answer to your question would be : At one time we did not recognize autism...... fast forward to 2009.... we now recognize autism in children at a very young age. I believe that is why it seems like an epidemic; because it is being recognized earlier, it's being dealt with earlier, and people aren't afraid to talk about it. I realize that every parent wants an answer: Why does my child have autism? With all due respect, personally, I do not think it is caused by: vaccines.. high voltage lines.. tooth fillings.. whats in the water.. red dye #?, bad things mom did while pregnant.. preservatives in our foods.

Where can one read about autism social stories?

If one wants to read about autism social stories they can find educational material at educateautism, hsmjs organization, easysocialstories, and ncbi.nim.nih government sites.