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Gmail specifies the text what it wants. While opening an account you need information like Name, gender etc. The text it needs is specified at the left.

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Q: What to type when asked for two pieces of text while opening gmail account?
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How do you create gmail account to replace another Internet account?

You can create a Gmail account to replace other internet account. This can be done by opening the Gmail home page. Signing up and filling required details is the key.

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To delete Boxbe from your Gmail account, you should first sign into your Boxbe account and then choose Close My Account. After that you can go into your Gmail account and delete the Boxbe label.

Why can't i open a Gmail account on my mobile?

Your mobile data could not be working. This might be the reason why Gmail is not opening. Gmail can only be opened if you have a working net connection.

How do you opening Gmail aceont?

Gmail account can be created via Google. Gmail accounts need your various details like a username and password. Name, gender and DOB are also some required fields.

How difficult is it to get a GMail account?

GMail offers a free electronic emailing service. Signing up for one of these accounts is relatively easy. After accessing the GMail site, one is asked to provide their name, birthday, gender, country, and to choose a username and password. Once these are provided, and their terms are accepted, a free GMail account is provided.

Will a Gmail account give me a YouTube account?

No, But you can sign up for YouTube with that Gmail Account!

Can you retrieve your disabled Gmail account - and if so how?

My Gmail account was disabled, but there is no way that you can get your Gmail account back, sorry for your unfortunate event.

Is Gmail already with your Google account?

Gmail and Google account are the same thing. The account created for Gmail can be used for Google. It is because Gmail itself is a a part of Google.

Can you get an answer account with Gmail?

Yes you can get an answers account with Gmail. You have to login via Gmail or Google Account. It asks you to create your Google+ profile as well.

Where is the your account page on Gmail?

Your account page is inside your Gmail account. You have to log into it to view it. The Gmail interface can be opened via credentials only.

Why can you not get a Gmail account?

You can get a GMail Account. Just go to the official GMail website and click on Sign UP or you are to young.