

What to use to bathe Great Dane Dog?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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Any type of dog shampoo is good for Great Danes I like to use Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo. I do because they have short fur and it doesn't grow out, so this keeps the hair clean and keeps their skin moisturized because of how close the hair is to the skin. Also, it keeps them smelling fresh for a long time!!

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Q: What to use to bathe Great Dane Dog?
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No, you should not bathe a dog in potassium permanganate. It can be toxic if ingested or absorbed through the skin, and could cause irritation or other health issues for the dog. It is not safe to use for bathing pets.

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You can bathe them in dog flea shampoo or dust their undersides with Sevin (the kind you use in the garden).

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Bathe them. Use a dog shampoo and keep them clean. Ask your vet also incase the dog has a fugi infection.

Can you bathe a nursing dog with borax?

No. Borax is quite caustic and could cause significant harm to the dam or her pups. If you have to bathe a nursing dog you should use non-medicated dog shampoo in the smallest amount possible and rinse thoroughly to get the suds off before you let the dam back in with her pups.

How much does it cost to bath a dog?

It depends on what you use to bathe the dog. In general, shampoo can be purchased from any supermarket, grocery store, or pet store for between $2 - $15.

How can one train a dog to stop feet licking?

Changing the body wash you use (or bar soap you use to shower and bathe with) and lotion is a good start. Dogs are attracted to scents and the fragrances could make your dog want to lick your feet.