

What tools did gatherers use in the prehistoric times?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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a spoon and a fork :) ;) :0 :D

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Q: What tools did gatherers use in the prehistoric times?
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What did the hunter gatherers use to make tools and weapons?

they use sticks and grass

What kind tools did prehistoric people use?

spears, clubs and bones

What tools did hunters and gatherers use?

They used bow and arrows, spears, and stone knives.

What is the stone age where people were hunters and gatherers?

The Stone Age was a prehistoric period characterized by the use of stone tools. During this time, people relied on hunting and gathering for food, rather than agriculture or farming. This period is further divided into the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic eras.

What tools did gatherers use?

Early human civilizations used bows, arrows, spears, stone knives, and hand axes.

How do you use Paleontology in a sentence?

It was a remarkable project, and the book instantly became a valuable contribution to paleontology. The scientific study of fossils is known as paleontology.

How do you use hunter gatherers in a sentence?

Hunter gatherers were nomadic people who relied on hunting and foraging for their food. The hunter gatherers in this region followed the migration patterns of animals to ensure a steady food supply. Archaeologists discovered tools and artifacts used by ancient hunter gatherers during their research.

What tools did hunter-gatherers use?

Hunter-gatherers used a variety of tools made from materials like stone, wood, bone, and animal hides. Common tools included spears, bows and arrows, knives, digging sticks, and baskets. These tools were essential for hunting, gathering food, and other daily activities.

How can you make a prehistoric tool?

To make a prehistoric tool, you can use flint or other hard stones to chisel and shape the tool into a desired form. Some common prehistoric tools include arrowheads, knives, and scraping tools. Techniques such as flaking and grinding can be used to create sharp edges for cutting and hunting.

Did the hunter gatherers use spears?

Yes, hunter-gatherers used spears as one of their main hunting tools. Spears were crafted from wood or bone and tipped with stone or metal points for hunting animals and fishing. They were effective for close-range hunting and defense.

What is the common name for stone age?

The common name for the Stone Age is the prehistoric period characterized by the use of stone tools and weapons.

Who was the first to use fractions?

Fractions were used in prehistoric times so there is record of the first user.