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Q: What tools do you need to make stilts?
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Who made the first stilts?

when were stilts made

How does he put his arm around you if he's shorter?

you make him walk on stilts

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The best tools you will need is a hammer and a saw to make the theatre. You will also need a needle and thread to make the puppets. It is simple if you have a layout of exactly what you want to make.

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Metal, tools, skill

When was The King's Stilts created?

The King's Stilts was created in 1939.

How many pages does The King's Stilts have?

The King's Stilts has 56 pages.

How do you build a wooden fort on stilts?

Google "how to build wooden fort", or something similar. Use the plans to build the fort, but instead of building it on the ground, make the foundation a number of stilts planted several feet into the earth. Build the fort on top of the stilts. Be sure to build a ladder or stairs to get in.

Why do stilt houses have stilts?

The house is on stilts to pertect the house from flooding and water

What are people on stilts called?

Usually, those who walk on stilts for entertainment are called "stilt walkers" or "stilt performers". You can get started pretty easily on stilts from a young age with a pair of fun stilts (see link below).