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You will need a tank, substrate, a food dish, 2 water dishes, ( for fresh and salt water) hermit crab food, a place for them to hide in.

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Related questions

How do you take care of a Jamaican hermit crab?

If it is a hermit crab, then it is like any other hermit crab, so just take care of it as you would to a regular hermit crab :)

Does hermit crabs take care of baby hermit crabs?

i cant yes or no i would say kind of sometimes they would be separated and learn to take care of themselves

Is it mean to have a caged hermit crab?

no as long as you take care of it and you are not overcrowding the tank

What is easier to take care of a hermit crab or a turtle?

hermit crabs, definitly. turtles need hige tanks and lots of cleaning. hermit crabs also need much more care than you think they do, but not as much as a turtle.

Should you get a turtle or hermit crab?

hermit crabs because they dont smell and cant get you sick and easy to take care of and fun to play with

What should you get a hermit crab or a frog?

Some frogs are illegal to have because there on the endangered species list, and there allot harder to take care of I suggest a hermit crab, there very easy to take care of, and most people love to play with them.

What is the range for crab life?

Hermit crabs can live 10+ years if you take good care of them!

My land hermit crab had a baby in it's shell how do i take care of the baby?

If You figure this out let me know.... just noticed mom hermit dead but baby hermit inside moms shell.... hmmm lol

How do you take care of land hermit crab eggs?

Land Hermit Crab Babies Are Microscopic And Live In the Ocean. It Is Near Impossible To Raise Baby Hermits In Captivity

How do you bond with a hermit crab?

You have to play with him like making him or her a thing to climb on. And you have to take care of it. And hold it alot.

Do you have to take care of hermit crabs everyday?

yes you have to change their food bowl, waterbowl, and mist them everyday

Why do Hermit Crabs die after a week or so?

It will only die after a week or so if you don't take good care of it. If you do take care of it, it could live up to 20 years.