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Artisans use a variety of tools and resources that are specific to their craft. These may include traditional hand tools like hammers, chisels, and saws, as well as modern tools such as electric drills and 3D printers. Artisans also use materials like wood, metal, fabric, and clay in their work, along with specialized equipment like kilns, looms, and carving machines. Additionally, artisans often rely on design software, reference books, and online tutorials to enhance their skills and creativity.

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What did Skara Brae people make?

The people of Skara Brae, a Neolithic settlement in Scotland, made stone tools, pottery, and houses constructed from stone. They were skilled artisans and crafted various objects for everyday use, such as tools, jewelry, and pottery.

How did tools help neolithic people in their lives?

Tools helped Neolithic people in their daily lives by enabling them to farm, hunt, and build shelter more efficiently. These tools allowed them to cultivate crops, domesticate animals, and use resources to create more stable communities. Tools also helped in food processing, making clothes, and creating pottery for storage and trade.

What resources did the Neolithic people use?

Neolithic people used resources such as stone, wood, bone, and clay to create tools, weapons, pottery, and structures. They also relied on natural materials for food, clothing, and shelter, such as plants for food and fibers for making textiles.

What tools did the shoshone use?

The Shoshone relied on self made tools. They used hunting tools such as bows and arrows, as well as poison arrow tips. They also used spears. They also used things such as willow baskets, as well as stone knives, scrapers and grinding stones.

What natural resources came from the Inca culture?

The Inca culture utilized resources such as gold, silver, copper, and tin for crafting jewelry, tools, and ceremonial objects. They also made use of agricultural resources like maize, potatoes, and quinoa to sustain their population. Additionally, they used llama and alpaca wool for clothing and textiles.