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Superoxide, which is formed when a few electrons inevitably leak out and combine with oxygen.

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Q: What toxic compound builds up in the cell as a result of electron transport chain?
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Is the final electron accept at the end of the electron transport system.?

In respiration,it is oxygen. It produces water as a result

What is the end result of the electron transport chain?

The result of ETC is 32 ATP and H2O

What role does ATP have in the electron transport chain?

ATP is produced as a result of the ETC and chemiosmosis.

What are the two processes that together result in celluar respiration?

glycolyis, Krebs cycle, and the electron transport chain.

How does an electron transport chain result in gradual release of energy stored in glucose?

That's what i'm trying to find out, too :(

What would be the most immediate result if complex II of the electron transport chain suddenly stopped working?

Buildup of succinate in the mitochondrial matrix

What molecule lose electrons in cell respiration?

In the third stage of cellular respiration (Electron Transport Chain), electrons are lost from the NADH and FADH2 molecules. These electrons travel down the electron transport chain which is in the inner membrane of the mitochondria and result in being reactants for the formation of H2O.

What is a series of biochemical reactions that release carbon dioxide and result in fermation of ATP?

I think you are looking for either "the citric acid cycle" or "the electron transport chain"

How is glucose broken down in anaerobic respiration?

As a result of anaerobic metabolism in cells, glucose is converted in the cytoplasm to lactic acid without employing the electron transport change.

Each fadh2 yields a maximum of ATP and each nadh yields a maximum of ATP as a result of transferring pairs of electrons to the electron transport chain?

Each FADH2 yields approximately 1.5-2 ATP molecules, and each NADH yields approximately 2.5-3 ATP molecules as a result of transferring pairs of electrons to the electron transport chain during cellular respiration. This is due to the pumping of protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane, creating an electrochemical gradient that drives ATP synthesis through ATP synthase.

What happens when a atom that has lost an electron comes in contact with an atom that has gained an electron?

When an atom that has lost an electron comes in contact with an atom that has gained an electron, they may undergo a chemical reaction to balance their charges. This can result in the formation of an ionic bond, where one atom becomes positively charged (cation) and the other becomes negatively charged (anion). These ions are then attracted to each other due to their opposite charges, forming a stable compound.

What is emitted by an atom as a result of electron capture?

After electron capture a neutrino is released.