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Most people infected with guinea worm rely on traditional medicine. The worm is extracted by gently and gradually pulling the worm out and winding it around a small strip of wood.

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Q: What traditional method is used for extracting guinea worms?
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Can guinea pigs give you worms if they have them?

No way.

Where are Guinea Worms located?

West Africa

Why do little worms appear in guinea pigs bodies and hair?

You seriously need to get your guinea-pig to the vets if it has, because your guinea-pig has probably got worms or parasites, maybe even maggots.

What is round worms?

Round worms are nematoda, which are, mostly, parasitic worms. A round worm is also called a Guinea worm.

Guinea pig has worms in his cage?

Buy a new cage becasue then your guinea pig can get worms. Use a GUINEA PIG spray don't use normal guinea pig sprays becasue suprisingly it can hurt a guinea pigs eyes. Give your guinea pig an injection for worms becasue if the guinea pig has been in the cage long becasue this can put a guinea pig in agony. If you don't want to treat your GP then why did you buy an animal you wouldn't risk money for. XXX

Will a guinea pig that has worms give them to you?

No, not unless you eat the guinea pig, and I don't think your going to do that... :D

How long can guinea worms grow?

about 3 ft long

What is a puh-kawk mama Guinea asks for?

Mama Guinea wants 15 grasshoppers and 15 earth worms

How long does a guinea pig have after it gets worms before it dies?

If your Guinea Pig has worms, you need to take it to the vet NOW. Get off the computer and GET TO THE VET. It is ABUSE to let an animal suffer with parasites.

Do guinea pigs get worms?

no .they wont dig holes or anything like that

What do guinea worms eat?

Guinea pigs live where rats do, I think. and they're domestic so they are in many homes as pets

Can a snake live in the human body?

No. Various worms or parasites can live in the human body... tape worms, guinea worms, loa loa (eye worm), or scabies but not snakes.